Healthnuttxo 3 Star,Chobani,yogurt Chobani Simply 100 Peach on the Bottom Greek Yogurt

Chobani Simply 100 Peach on the Bottom Greek Yogurt



So I’ve seen these Simply 100 yogurts on the shelves from Chobani, and they appeal to me, since they are lower in carbs and sugar. I am a Diabetic, so I try to limit the amount of carbohydrates I consume.

PEACH is one of my favorites from the Original Chobani line of greek yogurts, so I saw this flavor in the Simply 100, and definitely wanted to give it a try. Here’s what it looked like:



You can see it’s a bit “milkier” than typical Chobani. I’m used to that firm greek yogurt on top when I take the lid off, looking all smooth and perfect, until I stick my spoon in it that is!

However, this yogurt was still plenty creamy and thick, typical of Chobani fashion (a good thing, I might add). I was essentially imagining this to taste like the original, which is also non-fat, but it did not live up to the original. It was TART! I can’t tell if it was tart due to the fruit not being in season (but it is almost summer…) or the fact that there was an artificial sweetener (Stevia) added rather than sugar, and the tart overpowered the sweet…

Either way, they could probably get away with renaming this Apricot yogurt. I noticed some evaporated cane juice was added, but not a lot, seeing as only 6 grams of sugar, and some of that sugar is natural fructose from the peaches and lactose from the yogurt itself. So 6 grams of sugar? Good. Tart peaches? Not so good.

On the bright side, quality is always there for Chobani. Real fruit, fresh fruit, and fresh fruit often means seasonality comes into play. However, I think there should  be a bit of tweaking with the sweetener to peach ratio, as these dang things were TART! I might try it again…but then again I might just stick with the original Peach Chobani and eat the extra 40 calories.

3 stars




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