Healthnuttxo 4 Star,Facial Products ToGoSpa Face Mask and Eyes

ToGoSpa Face Mask and Eyes




So I got some pretty awesome facial products from ToGoSpa.

I tend to be on the minimal side when it comes to makeup and facial products. 1) I have no clue how to buy or use makeup. 2) I have super sensitive skin so I tend to stay away from face creams, products, etc.

However, I was offered to try some of these products, including the Face Mask and “Eyes” by To Go Spa, and was told they were perfect for all skin types. So I decided to give it a try.

The face mask gave me a chuckle, I will not lie. It reminded me of the movie Mrs. Doubtfire with the mask and the cutouts for the face. However, once I took it out of the package, the “cutouts” of the face were easily moldable to my face.


So the facemask feels a little weird on, you can’t really talk, and have to stay a little still cause it does slip a little bit. It feels kind a little wet jellyfish on your face or like some type of Jell-O, since it is both “gooey” but “stiff”.

Once I put it on I kind of smoothed it out on my skin that way it fit and it does stick well for the most part. You have to keep adjusting it a tad because it does slip off unless you are laying  completely  flat for about 30 to 45 minutes. I was doing computer work while using it… I’m a busy grad student!

When I took it off, my face felt clean and “tight”, but moisturized. It felt smooth, and smiled great and fresh. The next time I use this (came in a pack of 3 for me), I will take full advantage of the “soothing” properties and lay down and RELAX!!!


For the under eyepatches, they came in 4 varieties. Coconut, Pomegranate, Green Tea, and ICE. Here is the back of the Pomegranate package.

img_5094I put them all pretty much in the refrigerator and then as I needed one, I would pull them out and put it on. You can observe the patch above, the thicker portion of the crescent goes medially, by your nose, and then it fans out. They do slip a bit while using, due to gravity, but easily adjustable (but better used laying down).

Like I said, I am in grad school so I get very little sleep and I will say that the patches definitely helped my under eye circles when I was looking really puffy.

Obviously there’s no miracles being worked here, you are putting a cold compress on, and you’re constricting the blood vessels underneath your eye reducing the puffiness, but have this benefit of it having all these other soothing ingredients for your skin.

I have sensitive skin and I haven’t had any problems when I use the products and I will say decrease some of the puffiness/left my skin looking fresh.

Overall, I like them! I think the eye patches are handy to use before going out, or if you pull one too many all nighters and need something that sticks and is soothing for those under eye puffiness.I liked the feeling of my skin after using the face mask. Smooth, and fresh! 4 stars. 


Disclaimer: I received these products for free of charge. This is an unbiased review.



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