I’m positive everyone has heard of Quest Nutrition by now…they have a wide variety of protein bars, protein powders and other products that are relatively low in net carbs, low in sugar, high in fiber, and…high in protein! I don’t know anyone in the fitness industry who hasn’t at least tried a Quest Bar…so it’s *kind of a big deal* when Quest comes out with a new flavor. (PS they have a pizza now which I am on the hunt for…)
Anyway, recently Quest dropped the Maple Waffle protein bar. As a caveat…maple is one of my *FAVORITE* flavors. Maple syrup on waffles, pancakes, eggs, toast, bacon…you name it, I like it. So needless to say I was pretty pumped about this.
Here’s what it looks like. And yes, just as Maple syrup would promise, it is sticky.
Yes, very sticky. You will need a napkin. It will stick to the wrapper. This is not microwaved!
So…how’s the taste?
The taste is very similar to their Vanilla Almond bar, in fact, I think vanilla and almond is more of predominant flavor than maple. However, it does have a maple aftertaste, but it is overwhelming with that artificial sweetener flavor when you bite into a “gooey” maple syrup spot of the bar.
There are little crunchy bits scattered throughout the bar which are yummy, which give it a toasted waffle appeal, and add additional sweetness.
The bar is dense and chewy like their traditional style, but the stickiness of the scattered maple syrup really makes it, well, annoying to eat. Stuck to the wrapper, sticks to your fingers, stuck on my plate.
Overall, I am underwhelmed by this flavor. I’m sad I bought a box actually, because this is not my go to bar. I tried it twice, and both times was not a huge fan. It is just overly sweet, but that “fake sweet”, and it lacks some sort of counterbalance, such as the buttery flavor from waffles, etc. I know this is hard to capture in a bar, but would I buy it again? No. Would I eat it again? Yeah.
3 stars
Nutritional facts:
1 bar is 190 calories, 6 grams of fat (2.5 saturated), 290 mg sodium, 24 g of carbohydrate, 16 grams of fiber, 1 gram of sugar, and 20 grams of protein.