Healthnuttxo 2 1/2 stars,Bars Evo Hemp Hemp Bar in Brownie Chip, Cookie Dough, Mocha Chip flavors

Evo Hemp Hemp Bar in Brownie Chip, Cookie Dough, Mocha Chip flavors

The very nice people over at EvoHemp sent me some new treats to try….Hemp Bars!

First off, okay, okay, what is hemp? Apparently, Hemp is part of the Cannabis sativa plant, but has higher concentrations of Cannabidiol (CBD) and lower concentrations of THC, therefore the psychotropic effects are eliminated or diminished (read more here, I am no expert!)

Given that CBD is all the new rage, I happily obliged to try these bars, with 15 mg of full spectrum hemp extract per serving Evo Hemp also partners with Alex White Plume to help bring agricultural jobs to Native American tribes growing hemp crops. Each bar has about 12 grams of protein, 5g of fiber and only 4 grams of sugar per serving.

I’ll be honest, they aren’t the most appealing. I found all 3 bars to be so rich, I felt I couldn’t have more than half the bar in one sitting. The base is cashew butter, which is definitely apparent upon first bite. It has a creamy yet dry consistency, that “crumbles” as you keep chewing it. Something I can similarly describe this is when you buy all natural nut butter and the oil separates, the bottom of jar with the nut butter without the oil – that creamy yet dry, “crumbly” consistency. Each bar has a teeny bit of a crunch, an occasional chip a presume, which doesn’t offer much flavor.

To be honest, the bars all tasted somewhat the same to me. An overpowering, predominant cashew flavor. The Cookie Dough one tasted nothing like cookie dough- but moreso a mix of a chocolate flavor mixed with a cashew flavor with occasional chocolate chip. The Brownie Chip was more on the chocolately side, but overall mute in flavor. The Mocha Chip had somewhat more of a coffee flavor, but my friend tried them and said it didn’t offer much flavor and she couldn’t even taste the coffee/ mocha flavor.

Overall, not a hit for me. I honestly could not stomach more than 1/2 a bar at once because they were so rich. While I like the health benefits of hemp, and appreciate a vegan / non dairy option, but these are not for me. 2 1/2 stars


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