I’ve been missing, I know. No need to fill out a wanted persons ad. I AM alive!!!
I’m sorry for being such a crappy blogger and not posting as much as I should butttt….. I am back!
And BACK at it with a punch! The kind folks over at Nellie’s and Pete & Gerry’s let me have some coupons to try their eggs for free. So I bought one of each and brought them home.
NOW I eat enough eggs and egg whites that I almost consider myself an expert. Eggs-pert if you will ( Sorry…I had to say it, I really had to say it). So I was pumped to try these. And I must say I found some differences between these eggs and your average Joe eggs (which, let’s be real here, I often buy because bulk = cheap and Lisa= broke … (it’s factual I swear) )
Both of these eggs came in pretty schweet containers. A thicker plastic (that used to be a water bottle according to the package!!!) that you open up and then is another protective plastic layer on top of the brown eggs.
I liked that the eggs were different shades of brown. Like it’s okay to eat food that’s not the same EXACT uniform color all the time, and has NATURAL discrepancies. I can dig it.
I noticed that when cracking these eggs, the shells broke very easily. I had a few pieces of egg shell to pick out of my bowl (oops), but nothing I couldn’t handle, and a price I would pay for humanely grown, natural eggs.
The eggs were super white in color (for the whites) and the yolks tasted amazing. I did NOT whip the egg whites before cooking, and these were definitely fluffier than any other generic bulk- eggs I would normally crack open and fry up and eat. And let me remind you I eat eggs every. single. day.
(sometimes twice a day)
So I can make this statement when I say these are excellent! Very fresh, and I loved that the Nellie’s version, although not organic, had omegas in each egg.
Overall…a solid investment. Are they pricy…yes. Unfortunately. It could be NYC’s lovely, I mean crappy, prices, but these were 4-5$ a carton. And being I can eat 12 eggs/egg whites in a day, this is something I would buy and ONLY eat if I were to eat the whole egg and not something I would buy to use the white and discard the yolk. Although, I did make brownies with these eggs…so whoever got a batch of those consider yourself v e r y lucky I used 3 precious eggs on you!!
I would give 4 1/2 stars. Taste, quality, packaging, is amazing. Price, kinda sucks. But hey if you got the means, go for it!!! And throw a few my way, please 🙂