I got some yummy Perky Fruit Bodies to try! What is that, you say? These are organic, raw, vegan, gluten free, and kosher “fruit leathers”. Let’s get to it! ^-^ Coconut Banana– this one is squished! The color and appearance isn’t appetizing, but we always go beyond that for food reviews! The flavor is OK. Banana and coconut flavor […]
Culturelle Advanced Immune Defense
Well, this product couldn’t have come at a more perfect timing. Everyone knows the scenario…Fall comes around and all of a sudden, everyone is SICK!! Like out of no where, germs fly all over the place and suddenly everyone around you either has a cold, Strep or the big one…the FLU!!! I was offered to try this product by […]
Salonpas pain relief OTC Patches, Jet Spray and Deep Relieving Gel
I got this carepackage from Salonpas! They sent me an array of pain relief in the form of patches, a spray and a gel. I was excited to try these out! I do a lot of heavy lifting at the gym, and sometimes my muscles ache (think: traps and legs!) or my lower back is stiff post deadlifts, so I […]
Blake’s Hearty Beef Stew
Saw this at Target today (the best store in the world, duh) and decided to give it a whirl. I often stay away from frozen dinners for a few reasons… 1. Full of sodium (hellooooo bloating) 2. Full of preservatives (how about some BHT with your carrots?) 3. Teeny portions for a lot of money And while this one looked […]
CredibleCravings organic whole food bars
I have a new product to review! CredibleCravings sent me a few of their organic whole food bars to try. According to the label, these bars are “developed to support the nutritional needs of women before, during, and after pregnancy”. They are organic, have no GMOs, have probiotics, free of soy, and are made with no artificial sweeteners. And ALTHOUGH […]
Nature’s Earthly Choice Easy Quinoa in Sundried Tomato Florentine
A new love of mine…Quinoa. Definitely a new grain in my life, but since I am trying (read: failing but trying really hard) to eliminate the gluten in my diet…insert Quinoa! And quite perfect, no? A good serving, a cup or so cooked, has quite a bit of fiber as well as protein. Plus it has a satisfying taste and […]
Health Warrior Chia Bar in Coconut, Acai Berry, and Chocolate Peanut Butter
I got some new, free bars from Health Warrior. Their Chia Bars! All of the bars are vegan, a good source of omegas, and have 100-110 calories. The first bar I tried was the Chocolate Peanut Butter. LOADED with seeds, this one had a crunchy texture. It was a bit bland, with very mild chocolate flavor. I didn’t detect too […]
Kashi Banana Chocolate Chip Soft n’ Chewy Bar
YES! I love new products. And I opened my mailbox the other day to find this, I was really excited to try it. Banana is one of my favorite flavored things (REAL banana, not fake yucky banana), and combined with chocolate and natural ingredients Kashi uses? Count me in 🙂 Here’s the “box” it came in with a few facts. […]
Crumbs Pumpkin Cupcake
Tis the season (can I say that if it’s not Christmas time??) for pumpkin flavored items. You’ve seen them all over for sure. Pumpkin muffins, pumpkin bread, pumpkin drinks….and a new one for me. The Pumpkin Cupcake by Crumbs Bake Shop. Was I excited? Uh, YEA I was excited. Even AFTER paying $3.75 for one cupcake and choking down the […]
Artisana 100% Organic Raw Almond Butter
The one thing I turn to when I’m insatiably hungry is almonds. They ALWAYS make my hunger pains quite down a little bit and hold me over until I can eat my next meal. However, I am picky when it comes to my almonds. I like them roasted, salted, or even flavored (cinnamon, honey, etc.). So would I really like […]