I love when I get new products to try, and when new surprises await me in the mailbox or outside my door. To my surprise, I found a little bag from Larabar with some of their new bars, Uber bars, which are sweet and salty fruit and nut bars. I LOVE fruit and nut bars. Satisfying, sweet, crunchy, and just […]
Chocolate Chip Cherry Torte LARAbar
Look-ee what I got in the mail, as a complete surprise to me… YEP- some Chocolate Chip Cherry Torte LARAbars! With a cute little bag, button, sticker and slice of information pie. What a nice welcome surprise once I walked in the door and had a package waiting for me. Thanks, LARAbar!!! Now, down to business. It looks like your […]
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Larabar
Source I’m almost always up for anything that involves peanut butter and chocolate. And when it’s gluten free, AND made with minimal ingredients? SIGN ME UP! When I opened up the bar, it has a faint smell of a chocolate brownie. Upon first bite, I thought, where’s the peanut butter?! For some reason, I was expecting a chocolate flavored bar with […]
Larabar Blueberry Muffin bar
Oh yea, here’s something BRANDDD NEWWW! Yesterday I got a lovely package from LARABAR with some new Blueberry Muffin Larabars inside. YES! I love new products! I thought when I opened the box. The first thing I noticed was that the wrapper was much more of a plastic-y wrapper than usual, but then again, maybe it’s just me and my […]
LaraBar Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and Tropical Fruit Tart
Source I was sent a few bars to try from LaraBar, including the new Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough flavor, and the not-so-new, Tropical Fruit Tart. I was excited- cookie dough anything has thumbs up in my book, and I do love fruity flavors as well. These bars are a bit on the small side than what I’m used to for […]