Ooh- not only something new, but also a limited edition!! I was offered a free box of Love Crunch by ...
Category: Nature’s Path
Nature’s Path Organic PomegranPlus Granola with CherriesNature’s Path Organic PomegranPlus Granola with Cherries

Dont forget this giveaway here! 🙂 Source Time for another cereal/breakfast related giveaway…. my favorite! Today I’m reviewing a box ...
Nature’s Path Organic Flax Plus Red Berry CrunchNature’s Path Organic Flax Plus Red Berry Crunch

Source Nothing like a cold bowl of crunchy cereal in the morning. In fact, I find myself having cereal and ...
Nature’s Path Treat Size Envirokidz Peanut Choco Drizzle Crispy Rice BarsNature’s Path Treat Size Envirokidz Peanut Choco Drizzle Crispy Rice Bars

TRICK OR TREAT! Halloween is right around the corner- what kind of treat are you going to hand out? How ...
Nature’s Path Organic Optimum Blueberry Cinnamon CerealNature’s Path Organic Optimum Blueberry Cinnamon Cereal

Nature’s Path is one of my favorite brands when it comes to organic food. I have yet to this day ...
Nature’s Path Envirokidz Organic Crispy Rice Bars Berry Blast and Peanut Choco DrizzleNature’s Path Envirokidz Organic Crispy Rice Bars Berry Blast and Peanut Choco Drizzle

* Zevia giveaway ends SUNDAY! * Along with the Peanut Butter Crispy Rice Bar I was sent from Nature’s Path, ...
Nature’s Path Envirokidz Organic Crispy Rice Peanut Butter BarNature’s Path Envirokidz Organic Crispy Rice Peanut Butter Bar

Seeing as I really enjoyed the Nature’s Path Peanut Butter Panda Puffs, I was sure I would like the Peanut ...
Nature’s Path Organic Whole O’sNature’s Path Organic Whole O’s

Nature’s Path is a brand that really has never let me down. I think they make delicious and healthy products, ...
Nature’s Path Organic Vanilla Almond Flax Plus GranolaNature’s Path Organic Vanilla Almond Flax Plus Granola

GRANOLA! One of my favorite things to eat (which if you are an avid read, I’m sure you know that ...
Nature’s Path Organic Peanut Butter GranolaNature’s Path Organic Peanut Butter Granola

Presenting… one of the BEST granolas I have ever tasted! Nature’s Path sent me a box of their Organic Peanut ...