4 Star , Drinks

Zevia All Natural Soda and..GIVEAWAY!!

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I feel for you soda lovers. It’s either you go “all natural” and get the stuff loaded with sugar, or you go “sugar free” and you ingest a whole slew of chemicals, dyes and artificial sweetners. What’s a girl (or guy) to do when she craves the fizzy stuff? Well, my friends, I HAVE THE ANSWER! Zevia is an ALL […]

4 Star , Drinks

O.N.E. Drinks

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  Time for my very first BEVERAGE review! Woo! I was lucky enough to receive a few samples from O.N.E. which stands for One Natural Experience. O.N.E. has a variety of drinks that are all natural and bursting with health benefits. They all come in cute little boxes, and mine has little straws attached to them as well. I love […]


Chobani Greek Yogurt Winner!

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Selected randomly (more ways that you guys entered, the more chances you had of winning), the winner of the Chobani Greek Yogurt Variety Pack is…TRACEY! Congrats, girl! Contact me ASAP so we can ship your goodies! I also LOVED all your guys recipe ideas! I can’t wait to try them!! You guys are all geniuses! (i hope i spelled that […]

3 1/2 stars , Cedarlane

Cedarlane Eggplant Parmesan

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Cedarlane had generously sent me some products of theirs to try, including the Eggplant Parmesan. Well, after heating  up this dish in the microwave, the picture on the box didn’t really not depict what I had. The box shows 2 long slices of eggplant with cheese and veggies. What I got (I didn’t have my camera so I couldn’t take a picture of it! ) was […]

4 Star , Chobani

Chobani Greek Flavored Yogurt

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Source We all know my love for yogurt. Now it’s time to explore on the GREEK side of yogurt! What exactly is greek yogurt? Well, after the milk is heated and cultured to make yogurt, it is then allowed to sit and strain, so the “whey” is removed. What’s left is a creamier and thicker version of yogurt. I got […]

4 Star , Late July

Late July Mini Sandwich Cookies

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Late July is a great company. Founded by Nicole Bernard Dawes with her dad in 2003, they make a variety of all natural and organic foods. There top 3 reasons for choosing organic is 1. To save the environment 2. Reduce Health Risks and 3. Support Small businesses. The Late July Organic Mini Endangered Animal Sandwich cookies even donate 10% of their […]

5 Star , Snacks , Sonoma Crisps

Sonoma Crisps

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I can’t even tell you how much i enjoyed these. Before i get into my new obsession, let’s review the company. Sonoma makes their products without added oil or sugar, and they have some secret process that bakes the fruit slowly, allowing them to be super crispy without additives or frying. The only things they add are fructose and calcium […]

4 Star , Pure Bar , Snacks

Pure Bar

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Pure Bars are a bit different than your average granola or snack bar. They are “Raw” organic food bars. Nothing is cooked or processed to make the bars, and they have very minimal ingredients. They are all organic, low in sodium, vegan, gluten free, and provide 1 1/2 servings of fruit per bar. They also don’t contain any refined sugar, […]


okay, off topic…

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so this isn’t a review. I WILL do one later tonight (time permitting) but i am selling a coach wristlet on EBAY and i just wanted to put it on here for all you guys in case you were interested 🙂 It’s brand spanking new. never used. got the tags. blah blah blah. it’s pretty and i like it, but […]

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