Time for my very first BEVERAGE review! Woo! I was lucky enough to receive a few samples from O.N.E. which stands for One Natural Experience. O.N.E. has a variety of drinks that are all natural and bursting with health benefits. They all come in cute little boxes, and mine has little straws attached to them as well. I love […]
Cedarlane Eggplant Parmesan
Cedarlane had generously sent me some products of theirs to try, including the Eggplant Parmesan. Well, after heating up this dish in the microwave, the picture on the box didn’t really not depict what I had. The box shows 2 long slices of eggplant with cheese and veggies. What I got (I didn’t have my camera so I couldn’t take a picture of it! ) was […]
Chobani Greek Flavored Yogurt
Source We all know my love for yogurt. Now it’s time to explore on the GREEK side of yogurt! What exactly is greek yogurt? Well, after the milk is heated and cultured to make yogurt, it is then allowed to sit and strain, so the “whey” is removed. What’s left is a creamier and thicker version of yogurt. I got […]
Late July Mini Sandwich Cookies
Late July is a great company. Founded by Nicole Bernard Dawes with her dad in 2003, they make a variety of all natural and organic foods. There top 3 reasons for choosing organic is 1. To save the environment 2. Reduce Health Risks and 3. Support Small businesses. The Late July Organic Mini Endangered Animal Sandwich cookies even donate 10% of their […]
Sonoma Crisps
I can’t even tell you how much i enjoyed these. Before i get into my new obsession, let’s review the company. Sonoma makes their products without added oil or sugar, and they have some secret process that bakes the fruit slowly, allowing them to be super crispy without additives or frying. The only things they add are fructose and calcium […]
Nutland Cashew and Berries & Cherries Crunch
I looveee nuts! I find when I am HUNGRY the only thing that truly satisfies my raging hunger is nuts. I am partial to the pecan and the cashew as my favorite of all (although I AM a peanut butter addict). So i was excited when i was sent these “crunches” to try in Cashew and Berries & Cherries variety. […]
Lightlife Asian Teriyaki frozen entree
Let me start off by saying what drew me to this entree was the size. There were about 6 flavors of the Light Life line at my local grocery store in bright yellow boxes that were BIG! They were much longer, maybe even 1 1/2 – 2x the size of a lean cuisine. They promised “veggie goodness for you and […]
Newman's Own Organics Hermits
Aren’t Hermits those annoying crabs? Nope! Well, sort of, those are hermit crabs, but the Hermits I’m talking about aren’t “crabby” at all. They come in 3 different flavors, Original, Cinnamon and Ginger. I tried the Cinnamon variety of the 3. They resemble fig newtons in a way, and are approximately the same size and shape. They have HUGE sugar […]
Country Choice Soft Baked Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie
Who doesn’t love cooooookies!? Especially chocolate chip. Especially soft baked chocolate chip cookies. I’m drooling thinking about them… 🙂 What we don’t love? That Mom’s home-made cookies are often heart attacks disguised in cute little circles, or that store bought deli cookies have a TON of fat, OR that the cookies you would buy in store have more ingredients than […]
Amy's Broccoli & Cheese in a Pocket Sandwich
Cheeeeese. Who doesn’t like cheddar cheese? Or even cheddar cheese melted or cheddar cheese sauce. It’s gooey, melty and delicious. Amy’s says, “People love AMy’s broccoli pot pie. So we thought ‘why not take the same great tasting filling-the crisp organic broccoli, organic golden carrots, organic northern potatoes, and a smooth creamy cheese sauce0 and bake it into a pocket sandwich?” […]