Who doesn’t love cookies?!?! EnjoyLife sent me a huge box of goodies for free, and let me tell you how pleasant of a surprise it was seeing that on my doorstep! These crunchy cookies are gluten free, dairy free, nut free, and soy free according to the box. The box also states that they are “free from the 8 common […]
Birdbath Bakery Chocolate Chip Cookie
I shouldn’t have done it. Coming home from the gym today, I passed by this bakery, Birdbath Bakery. I have such a weak spot for cookies. Cake? dont need it. Ice cream? pass. Brownies? no thank you. But cookies? I. Cannot. Resist. Cookies. So after I elliptical-ed (is that a word? It is now!) for an hour (ok, ok, 45 […]
Enjoy Life Crunchy Chocolate Chip Cookies
Recently I reviewed the Enjoy Life Crunchy Sugar Crisp Cookies, which I thought were pretty good. Enjoy Life also sent me a box of the new Crunchy Chocolate Chip cookies to try for free as well. These cookies, as stated from the front of the box, are dairy free, nut free and gluten free, as well as being made with […]
Snikiddy Chocolate Chip Bites
I love cookies. Especially chocolate chip cookies! That’s why I was excited to try Snikiddy All Natural Chocolate Chip Bites. Delicious! The cookies are definitely bite sized, about the size of a half dollar or a big bigger than a quarter. The have big chocolate chips, or chunks rather dispersed in each bite sized cookie. They also have a slight hint of […]
Newman's Own Organic Champion Chip Cookies
I eat pretty healthfully, with balanced meals with protein, carbs, fiber and healthy fats. But after lunch (usually my post-workout meal), i like to have a little “reward” or something sweet to seal the deal and tide me over until snack time later. So with my grilled cheese sandwich and apple, i decided to give Newman’s Own Champion Chip cookies a […]