I know when the 4 new flavors of LARAbars came out I was excited. LARAbar generously sent me the 4 new flavors to try, and I couldn’t have been more excited. I mean flavors like Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough? (which certainly was a hit for me!) Which brings me to today’s review, the Carrot Cake LARAbar, which was equally as […]
Nature’s Path Envirokidz Organic Crispy Rice Bars Berry Blast and Peanut Choco Drizzle
* Zevia giveaway ends SUNDAY! * Along with the Peanut Butter Crispy Rice Bar I was sent from Nature’s Path, they gave me a few others, including the Berry Blast and Peanut Choco Drizzle bar. These bar is also gluten free and organic, and feature yet more cute animals on the front! The Berry Blast has a cheetah- and an […]
NoNuttin’ Double Chocolate Chunk Granola Bar
NoNuttin’ makes snacks that have a lot to offer. For example, according to the package of the Double Chocolate Chunk Granola Bar I was sent to try from NoNuttin’, this bar alone is “Gluten Free, Peanut Free, Tree Nut Free, Dairy Free, Egg Free”. Well? Let’s give this a try! The bar is on the smaller side, long and somewhat thin (about […]
Raw Crunch Bar with Organic Blueberries and Raw Crunch Bar with Organic Dark Chocolate
Raw Crunch Bars seem totally cool to me, and are unlike other products I have tried in the past. According to the wrapper, these bars are “Handmade, Uncooked, Unprocessed” and are also “Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Peanut Free”. That’s a lot to offer for one bar, and certainly intriguing. However, according to the website, “All of our bars are Gluten-free, Soy-free, […]
Kay’s Naturals Lemon Herb Protein Chips
As someone who really doesn’t eat meat, I really depend on eggs and dairy to get my protein, as well as soy products like tofu. I love when I find tasty, high protein products that are natural and good for you, too! I got some products from Kay’s Naturals, like the Protein Chips in Lemon Herb flavor.According to the package, these Protein […]
Nature’s Path Organic Whole O’s
Nature’s Path is a brand that really has never let me down. I think they make delicious and healthy products, and have a LOT to choose from! I was sent a box of the Whole O’s to try from Nature’s Path. Along with being organic, this cereal is gluten free. I wasn’t really sure what to make of this cereal (before I […]
Betty Lou’s Just Great Stuff Organic Superberry Acai and Organic Fruit & Veggie Bars
BettyLou’s makes Just Great Stuff Bars that come in four flavors, Organic Superberry Acai Bar, Organic Chocolate Dream Greens Bar, Organic Cocoa Acai Bar, and Organic Fruit & Veggie Bar. The nice folks over at BettyLou’s sent me them to try, and today I’m reviewing the Organic Superberry Acai Bar and Organic Fruit & Veggie Bar. Both of these bars […]
Yummy Earth Organic Gummy Bears
I’m in a fruit-snack mood today! 🙂 Yummy Earth sent me some products to try, including their Organic Gummy Bears. According to the package, these come in Pomegranate Pucker, Strawberry Smash and Sour Apple Tart. They are also “Made with Real Fruit Juice” and have “100% Vitamin C”, as well as being “Gluten Free” and “Fat-Free”. SOunds like a good […]
Bora Bora Organic Foods bars
Bora Bora Organic Foods– doesn’t the name just make you feel like you are on vacation? I know it did for me! Bora Bora Organic Foods sent me some of their bars to try (along with a cute mug and t-shirt- thanks, guys!! =) ), and I must say they were quite unlike anything I have tried before. These bars […]
CheeCha Potato Puffs
* Please don’t forget the newly posted UNCLE SAM CEREAL GIVEAWAY * Here’s something totally new for me! CheeCha Potato Puffs! I don’t really know exactly what a CheeCha is, but, I DO know that these potato puffs I was generously sent from CheeCha are quite tasty! I was sent some flavors to try, including the Luscious Lime, Original Potato, […]