Ever have those chewable vitamins when you were little? I remember having them- they were square, and they came in flavors like grape, orange, cherry, etc., and they were a “sweeter” way of getting some vitamins in. Well that’s what I was reminded of when Chews 4 Health sent me a pack of their 1 week supply of Chews 4 […]
Pacific Natural Foods Organic Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup
Yes, I’m aware it’s June. And yes, it was rather humid and hot today. But, yes, I still had soup! And a delicious soup at that. Pacific Natural Foods sent me some of their soups to try, in really cool flavors like this one. Organic Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup- how yummy does that sound! This soup is also all […]
Ener-G Ginger Cookies
Doing a double post tonight, seeing as I won’t be able to post a review tomorow. Aw, man!! 🙁 But, anyway. Enjoy !! I’m sure you guys have heard of Ener G . They make an assortment of foods that cater to the needs of those with special dietary needs. This includes breads, pretzels, cookies, etc. According to the website, […]
Life Field Buckwheat Groats
LifeField sent me a bag of their Buckwheat Groats, which are all natural, have no preservatives or additives, and are both gluten and wheat free. LifeField also makes buckwheat cookies and buckwheat waffle/pancake mix. As is, they look like tiny little brown chips, and are hard to the touch. They sort of resemble mini chocolate chips, but are a light […]
No Nuttin’ Vanilla Caramel Granola Clusters and Apple Cinnamon Granola Bar
No Nuttin’ Foods Inc. makes snacks that can be enjoyed by almost everyone, as they made products that are gluten free, nut free, egg free, dairy free, and are also all natural and healthy, too! These snack range from granola bars, to trail mixes, to granola clusters, and come in several yummy flavors. The company sent me a few snacks to […]
Sunbutter Natural Sunflower Seed Spread
Ah, nut and seed butters. Nothing’s better than these spreads of fruits, chips, sandwiches, or even straight from the jar. I’ve tried my fair share of peanut and many types of nut butters in my life, but never had sunflower seed butter. In fact, I didn’t even know it existed! Well, that all changed when I was introduced to Sunbutter. […]
Suzanne’s Specialties Organic Maple Rice Nectar
We all know my love for maple and maple syrup- so you can BET I was excited when a jar of Suzanne’s Organic Rice Nectar in Maple variety landed on my doorstep, courtesy of Suzanne’s Specialities (thank—you!) This sweetener is all natural, organic, gluten free, vegan, and has no refined sugars. According to the jar itself, “Organic Maple Rice Nectar is a […]
HappyBaby Happy Bites Veggie Tots
Kiddie food review! Woo-hoo! I love these! Hey, kids need to eat healthy too! But these reviews bring me back to when I was young and Mom & Dad did all the delicious cooking. Aw… Anyway– HappyBaby has a line, HappyBites, that makes organic meals for toddlers and kids. I was sent a coupon from the company to try a free product in the mail. So, […]
Enjoy Life Not Nuts! Nut Free Trail Mix
Nut free trail mix? What’s THAT !? Well, Enjoy Life is a company notorious for producing allergy friendly foods. As part of their product line, there are the gluten free, nut free, dairy free, soy free, and egg free Trail Mixes in Mountain Mambo and Beach Bash flavors. Enjoylife asked if I would do a review of these, and how […]
Pamela’s Products Cookies
Pamela’s Products is a company that manufactures a whole bunch of gluten and wheat free foods, that are also all natural, and some even organic. They make products such as cakes, cookies, baking mixes- a little something for everyone! Pamela’s Products generously sent me 3 boxes of their cookies to try- in Peanut Butter, Old Fashioned Raisin Walnut, and Spicy […]