Recently I reviewed the Enjoy Life Crunchy Sugar Crisp Cookies, which I thought were pretty good. Enjoy Life also sent me a box of the new Crunchy Chocolate Chip cookies to try for free as well. These cookies, as stated from the front of the box, are dairy free, nut free and gluten free, as well as being made with […]
Peas of Mind Veggie Wedgies Baked Carrot Fries
The other day I went to Whole Foods (which is quite a bit of a drive from my house) with $12.00. I had intentions to only buy one thing (a pot pie) and then leave. I have no idea why on EARTH I thought it was a good idea to go in with only $12.00, as that was the day […]
Amy’s Kitchen Tofu Scramble with Hash Browns & Veggies
Yea, Yea I know what your thinking. Tofu? Ew. Well, here’s me pleading you to reconsider. Or you can be anti-tofu if you want. That is until you try THIS dish. This dish completely transforms tofu from the “flavorless sponge” (as my friends refer to it at least), to delicious. Doesn’t this look scrumptious? Ok, minus the soggy tomato. Let’s […]
EnjoyLife Crunchy Sugar Crisp Cookies
I was offered to try some of the new CRUNCHY cookies from EnjoyLife to try for free here on HealthNutt. I received them in 4 flavors, and the first one I tried was the Sugar Crisp. These cookies are gluten free, dairy free and nut free as stated on front of the box. I took a look at the nutritional […]
Enjoy Life Semi-Sweet Chocolate Mega Chunks
Any exuse to eat chocolate (and/or peanut butter) and I’m down. It’s obvious that when Enjoy Life offered me a bag of their new Semi-Sweet Chocolate Mega Chunks to try for free, I accepted without having to think twice! These chunks are gluten free, dairy free, nut free and more. I don’t have any allergies (at least that I know […]
Peanut Butter & Co. The Bees Knees Peanut Butter
Source Along with the delicious Cinna Raisin Swirl Peanut Butter I won a little while ago, my 2nd jar I won was the Bees Knees from Peanut Butter & Co. One thing I noticed about this peanut butter was that it wasn’t vegan. I remember seeing a vegan label on some of the Peanut Butter & Co.’s peanut butter, which […]
Glutino Gluten Free Chicken Pizza with BBQ Sauce
I was craving something carby for dinner (me? crave carbs? never (; ), so I decided to try the Glutino Chicken Pizza with BBQ Sauce I bought the other day at my Whole Foods trip. I really liked the Duo Cheese and Spinach & Feta pizzas that Glutino made, so I thought this one would be good too. I set […]
Crispy Greens Crispy Apples and Crispy Asian Pears
It’s safe to say that I have eaten at least one apple a day, every day, since I was in middle school. Yep- they ARE my favorite fruits! And quite a lot of years and a LOT of apples were eaten in that time! That’s what I was happy to try the Crispy Greens Crispy Apples with my breakfast this […]
Fruitzio Freeze Dried Fruit Snacks Apples & Strawberries
I got some free stuff from Crispy Green (thanks again!!!) including the Fruitzio Freeze Dried Fruit Snacks Apples & Strawberries. These lovely snacks are all natural, and according to the package are also “peanut/tree nut free, gluten free, dairy free, vegan”. What I like about it also, is that there are ONLY three ingredients-“Apples, Strawberries and Cane Sugar”. At first […]
Sunwarrior Raw Vegan Protein powder
I was sent two free packets of Sunwarrior Raw Vegan Protein powder in Chocolate and Vanilla, courtesy of Andrea from Sunwarrior (thank you!!). First off, I was impressed. This raw, vegan protein had a LOT of protein for one little packet, and very little calories and only 1 gram of sugar! Perfect for a diabetic like me! I came home […]