Musselman's , Recipes

Musselman’s/The Healthy Apple’s Strawberry Apple Ginger Smoothie/Frozen Yogurt Review

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Musselman’s sent me an AWESOME picnic basket filled with some of their delicious products for free. Along with the basket, I was sent some recipes to try out for the summer!  Here’s a pic that Musselman’s provided me with of the products. With the ingredients I had on hand, I decided to try the Strawberry Apple Ginger Smoothie/Frozen Yogurt, that […]

4 Star , Cookies/Baked Goods , EnjoyLife , Gluten Free , Yummy Sweets

Enjoy Life Crunchy Double Chocolate Cookies

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Adding to the other crunchy Enjoy Life cookies I was sent, the Chocolate Chip and Sugar Crisp, I was also sent the Enjoy Life Crunchy Double Chocolate Cookies to try for free as well. First off, I loved that there was a good amount of chocolate chips in these cookies, they really were double chocolate, and not something like “chocolate-cookie-with-a-sprinkle-of-chocolate-chips” […]

4 1/2 stars , Gluten Free , Snacks

Baked Classics Vanilla Frosting Multigrain Crisps

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Anyone guilty of eating frosting from the container?….Yea. So bad, but so, sooo good! When I heard of Baked Classices Vanilla Frosting Multigrain Crisps I was very intrigued- any opportunity to eat something that tastes like vanilla frosting (without getting the weird looks from me eating it from the container…) is definitely worth a try! The company sent me some […]

4 Star , candy

Chip’n Dipped Milk Chocolate Pretzel Bar

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Ok, how could I honestly pass this bar up and NOT buy it? Milk chocolate and pretzels? together? in a chocolate bar? Needless to say it took me all of .05 seconds to contemplate whether I should buy it or not. I think the end choice is obvious. Immediately upon arrival at my house, I opened up the bar. I […]

2 1/2 stars , Frozen Foods , Gluten Free , vegan

Peas of Mind Veggie Wedgies Baked Carrot Fries

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The other day I went to Whole Foods (which is quite a bit of a drive from my house) with $12.00. I had intentions to only buy one thing (a pot pie) and then leave. I have no idea why on EARTH I thought it was a good idea to go in with only $12.00, as that was the day […]

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