I love yogurt. I could eat it every day and be totally happy. One of this things I love about it is the way I feel after I eat it. I believe yogurt is a power food, packed with healthy bacteria and more. Stonyfield Farm came out with the Organic Activia Yogurt, that according to the sheet I was given, […]
Amazing Grass Organic GreenSuperFood Whole Food Energy Bar
As a kid growing up, I was always told “Greens are Ninja Turtle food”. If we wanted to be strong and cool (or just be a ninja turtle for that matter), we had to eat our green vegetables. Oh and the fact that dessert wasn’t allowed to be eaten until the vegetables were gone probably had something to do with […]
Musselman’s/The Healthy Apple’s Strawberry Apple Ginger Smoothie/Frozen Yogurt Review
Musselman’s sent me an AWESOME picnic basket filled with some of their delicious products for free. Along with the basket, I was sent some recipes to try out for the summer! Here’s a pic that Musselman’s provided me with of the products. With the ingredients I had on hand, I decided to try the Strawberry Apple Ginger Smoothie/Frozen Yogurt, that […]
Enjoy Life Crunchy Double Chocolate Cookies
Adding to the other crunchy Enjoy Life cookies I was sent, the Chocolate Chip and Sugar Crisp, I was also sent the Enjoy Life Crunchy Double Chocolate Cookies to try for free as well. First off, I loved that there was a good amount of chocolate chips in these cookies, they really were double chocolate, and not something like “chocolate-cookie-with-a-sprinkle-of-chocolate-chips” […]
Baked Classics Vanilla Frosting Multigrain Crisps
Anyone guilty of eating frosting from the container?….Yea. So bad, but so, sooo good! When I heard of Baked Classices Vanilla Frosting Multigrain Crisps I was very intrigued- any opportunity to eat something that tastes like vanilla frosting (without getting the weird looks from me eating it from the container…) is definitely worth a try! The company sent me some […]
Barbara’s Bakery Peanut Butter & Chocolate Puffins
Yea, I said it (err, typed it). Barbara’s Bakery Peanut Butter & Chocolate Puffins. I saw these in the store and I just HAD to buy them. How could I pass them up? Peanut butter and chocolate is just one of those combos that always works well with one another. And being that this cereal was all natural, and that […]
Enjoy Life Crunchy Chocolate Chip Cookies
Recently I reviewed the Enjoy Life Crunchy Sugar Crisp Cookies, which I thought were pretty good. Enjoy Life also sent me a box of the new Crunchy Chocolate Chip cookies to try for free as well. These cookies, as stated from the front of the box, are dairy free, nut free and gluten free, as well as being made with […]
Corazonas Chocolate Brownie & Almonds Oatmeal Squares
I’m an oatmeal kind of girl. Well….. I mean I eat cold cereal for breakfast 6 out of 7 days of the week, but oatmeal is certainly on the top of my list for things I like to eat. I just hate cleaning pots and instant oatmeal is never as satifying as stove top. SO basically, I’m a lazy oatmeal […]
Chip’n Dipped Milk Chocolate Pretzel Bar
Ok, how could I honestly pass this bar up and NOT buy it? Milk chocolate and pretzels? together? in a chocolate bar? Needless to say it took me all of .05 seconds to contemplate whether I should buy it or not. I think the end choice is obvious. Immediately upon arrival at my house, I opened up the bar. I […]