Another nut butter to add to my addiction and to subtract money out of my wallet (*sigh*…that wallet never had a chance against any nut butters). Insert, Peanut Butter & Co Mighty Maple Peanut Butter. One of the tastiest I have tried from Peanut Butter & Co., this one is also gluten free and vegan SIDENOTE: How cute is that […]
4 Star , yogurt
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Wallaby Organic Maple Yogurt
Ahhh, yogurt. One of my favorite foods that I would seriously DIE without. I’ve had so many different types of yogurts- plain, flavored, fruit on the bottom, greek, “diet” (YUCK), and now Wallaby Yogurt bringsĀ me an organic version that is a Creamy Austrailian Style Yogurt. Australian? Whhhhhat? Well, the company was founded in 1992, when the founders Jerry and Faith […]