4 1/2 stars , yogurt

Wallaby Organic Down Under Caramel Apple Yogurt

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Wallaby Yogurt makes some pretty delicious products, such as organic yogurt in nonfat, low fat and “down under” (fruit on the bottom like) varieties, and now they even make sour cream! I love when yogurt is organic, as I think it tastes very fresh and clean, without any aftertaste. So, browsing the aisles at the supermarket I stopped in my […]

4 Star , yogurt

Wallaby Organic Maple Yogurt

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Ahhh, yogurt. One of my favorite foods that I would seriously DIE without. I’ve had so many different types of yogurts- plain, flavored, fruit on the bottom, greek, “diet” (YUCK), and now Wallaby Yogurt brings me an organic version that is a Creamy Austrailian Style Yogurt. Australian? Whhhhhat? Well, the company was founded in 1992, when the founders Jerry and Faith […]

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