Healthnuttxo 1 1/2 stars,Gluten Free,yogurt Yoplait Honey Vanilla Greek Yogurt

Yoplait Honey Vanilla Greek Yogurt

It’s apparent of my love of yogurt, greek or regular, so there was no way I would turn down some free coupons to get some greek yogurt by Yoplait! Of the ones  I picked out, Honey Vanilla Greek Yogurt was one of them.

A few things to point out before I start, I noticed that this one had 40% Calcium needs (nice!!), and, like the container stated, it is “Gluten Free”.

I put this yogurt in the freezer for 20 minutes or so to get it super cold, and then took it out to enjoy. I noticed it was very thick and to me, resembled regular vanilla yogurt, except a bit thicker. At first bite, unfortunately, I really was not pleased. It had a very funky taste to it, and then there was a bitter/sour aftertaste, like a honey-flavored “zing”. It was very unexpected, and I didn’t taste that sourness until after I ate a spoonful of yogurt. I also detected a very weak vanilla flavor.

Overall, I can’t say I was a fan of this particular flavor. Perhaps I will enjoy the other flavors more. I did like that it had a good amount of calcium in it, but I wasn’t in favor or the flavor. 1 1/2 stars

1 container is 150 calories, 0 grams of fat, 22 grams of carbohydrates, 18 grams of sugar and 14 grams of protein.

What’s your favorite flavor of any yogurt?

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