Peanut Butter & Co. The Bees Knees Peanut Butter


Along with the delicious Cinna Raisin Swirl Peanut Butter I won a little while ago, my 2nd jar I won was the Bees Knees from Peanut Butter & Co.

One thing I noticed about this peanut butter was that it wasn’t vegan. I remember seeing a vegan label on some of the Peanut Butter & Co.’s peanut butter, which made me curious as to why this one wasn’t. After doing some research, I saw that honey wasn’t vegan! Who knew! (If anyone knows for sure, please correct me!)


Onto the peanut butter. In a word? It was….Delicious! Thick, smooth, and very peanut buttery. It had little granules in it, ย along with a pleasant sweetness from the honey. I like that you can taste both the honey and the peanut butter. I had mine directly from the spoon (when does that not happen?), but I think it would be AWESOME on a peanut butter and banana sandwich! (kind of like the Elvis sandwich!!)

I even thought the label was cute- the monkey looks like a bee!

Overall, really tasty! ย It was a tad high in sugar, but not too terrible. I would definitely buy this one in the futureย 4 1/2 stars

2 Tbsp is 180 calories, 14 grams of fat, 12 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fiber, 8 grams of sugar, and 6 grams of protein.

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17 thoughts on “Peanut Butter & Co. The Bees Knees Peanut Butter”

  1. hmmm, never been crazy about honey but all these reviews of pb & co are making me crave pb! ๐Ÿ™‚
    yeah, honey’s not vegan b/c it’s an animal byproduct (bees)

    same line of thinking as why vegans can’t drink milk. a cow didn’t die for the milk, but a cow was used to produce the milk. also, just a random fyi, some white sugar isn’t vegan b/c animal bones are used to filter the sugar

  2. @tea-bag ah! that makes sense! thanks!

    @Ashely- haha yea…my jar is almost gone too ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Ive been meaning to try this flavor so thanks so much for the review! Sounds delicious

  4. This was actually the only PB & Co flavor I didn’t like. I muh prefer their White Chocolate Wonderful and Crunch Time!

  5. you didnt like this one! aw ๐Ÿ™ I think it also tastes really good on an english muffin. mmm!
    but agreed, WCW is AMAZING!

  6. I have it every morning at work, on toasted english muffins. It is so good I can eat it off a spoon. I used to put PB on the english muffin, then drizzle honey on top. Whoever thought of Bees Knees is brilliant!

  7. DITTO! I had an english muffin with Bees Knees and honey! it is SO good! ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Yeh honey isnt vegan because its produced from bees.
    I love the look of all the peanut butter cos range, they all look delicious, we dont really get them here in the UK :(. So irritating, would love to try some of them!

  9. aw, how upsetting!! I hope you get a chance to try some soon! and thanks for the info about honey ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. They’ve got some great flavors. I love the dark chocolate pb. I mix it in ice cream with oreos and frosted donut chunks for a post-workout snack. Also do the runchy pb with pickles on whole wheat (hey, don’t knock it till you try it!) Right now I’m working on a jar of their cinnamon raisen swirl and it’s awsome.

  11. that sounds sooo yummy. oreos and peanut butter are awesome, and now add ice cream and donut chunks? Thats a snack WORTH working out for to get to eat ๐Ÿ™‚

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