Along with the Sunbutter Crunch bars I was sent to try for free from Enjoy Life, I was sent a few other flavors to try for free, including the Caramel Apple variety.
How can you really say no to something Caramel Apple flavored? An image of sticky, chewy, sweet and delicious comes to mind thinking of a caramel apple. And so fitting with the fall. Nothing like a crisp apple picked off a tree! (not that I get to experience that all that often given my current urban situation… -__- )
ANYWAY, insert Enjoy Life Caramel Apple Chewy Bars. Gluten free, vegan goodness in bar form. Very small bar form, aka the size of my pointer finger small, but whatever. Good things come in small packages!
This bar was pretty good. It was dense and chewy, and had the little crispy rice sort of action going on like the Sunbutter Crunch variety had. I liked that it was sweet, but not I have to make a dentist appointment for the cavity I’m going to develop sweet. A good amount.
I could certainly taste the apple flavor, which was a plus. While I was eating it, I couldn’t help but notice how much it tasted like Quaker Apple Cinnamon instant oatmeal. I would know – I ate that oatmeal SO FREQUENTLY when I was younger. It seemed like every school breakfast I heard the teapot kettle whistle, poured the hot water in my instant oatmeal, ate and went on the school bus. *sigh* back to when life was simple!
So, as a whole for this bar, although it lacks sustainability, as in I’d be hungry still if I only ate this, it was pretty good, and a good snack bar/pre workout boost. I’d give it 4 stars.
What was your typical breakfast before school when you were younger? I alternated with instant oatmeal, and toasted english muffin with peanut butter! =)

Agree on caramel apple. One of the better combinations out there.
As for my childhood breakfasts, it was either Peanut Butter Cap’n Crunch (when I was very young) or when I got older, it was Eggo waffles (no syrup, eaten by hand) or Toaster Strudel.
mmmm pb capn crunch! that was a treat when we were little. toaster strudles MAYBE once a year no joke. haha 🙂
shamefully, i remember eating a lot of plain bagles, pop tarts, and toaster streudels. i would have a sh*t fit if my kids wanted to eat that!
hahha so easy, right!?! 🙂
If these weren’t sent to you, would you buy them?
I’ve grown to really like the chewy/date pasty health bar texture. I’ve got another one for you to check out pecan apple from two-degrees apple pecan bar (other flavors not as good) they donate nutrition packs to starving children every time their bars are purchased.
that’s awesome! ill def check them out.
I think I would buy these if they were bigger. I know GF is expensive and theres only 5 bars in a box and they are tiny.
but…..these are fish free too 😉
These sound good. I don’t mind that it’s tiny. All I need is just a few bites to stave off the hungry. As for breakfast eats before school… I don’t remember that far back. LOL!
hahahha OH PLEASE, you cant be a day over 25 😉
Oooh these look good! Where did you find them?
When I was younger, my sister and I would always beg my mom for cinnamon toast crunch and all those other sugary cereals but she wouldn’t buy them for us! So I would usually have oatmeal or toast with scrambled eggs. And on the weekend, we’d get pancakes! My mom always made them heart shaped. I still don’t know how she did that…haha!
so cute!!!!! I wish. My mom would make french toast every once in a while which would be such a treat!!!