Healthnuttxo 4 Star,Yummy Sweets MHP Power Pak High Protein Pudding

MHP Power Pak High Protein Pudding

It may be of no surprise that I am a complete healthy food and fitness nut. Egg whites, protein powders, vegetables, whole grains, and peanut butter are staples of my diet, as well as spinning, free weights, and kickboxing as my main forms of exercise. Lately I’ve upped the exercise intensity so I also had to increase the amount of protein and calories.

Let’s just say eating 6-11 egg whites a day gets pricy, and, well, monotonous. As some kind of change up, I went browsing for some high protein foods, such as bars, shakes and other goodies. Online, I found the ย MHP Power Pak High Protein Pudding which I definitely wanted to try. Pudding? 30 grams of protein? Low sugar? Low carbs? COUNT ME IN!

It was a bit pricy, at $2.99 a can, but I figured it was worth a try. I opened up the can and saw a thick, light brown colored pudding. It looked a bit “moussy”, but no doubt, it was thick and creamy.

I took a spoonful. It had a good chocolate flavor, and was mildly sweet but not sugary tasting at all. It did have that chocolate protein powder/shake taste to it, but not too overpowering. It was very thick and creamy, which I enjoyed, as it gave it some sustenance. I wouldn’t say it was WOW this is amazing! But it definitely wasn’t bad at all. I found it was a little too much by itself, so I mixed in some Lite Cool Whip. And…

What a great idea! It was really good and the mild sweetness of the Cool Whip went well with the thickness and chocolate-y flavor of the pudding. I may even crumble some graham cracker crumbs (or Annie’s Bunny Grahams!) on top next time for a twist on pudding pie ๐Ÿ™‚

Overall, 4 stars. Would love to buy more of these, just so dang expensive! However, love that it’s low in sugar, low in carbs, high in calcium, and has 30 grams of protein for a can! NICE!!! I may have to splurge and buy, oh I don’t know, a dozen more or so… ๐Ÿ˜‰

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6 thoughts on “MHP Power Pak High Protein Pudding”

  1. Orrrr…. Save a lot of $ and put a scoop of choco protein powder into a serving of greek yogurt- same nutrition facts, less funky ingredients, more cash stays in your wallet….:)

  2. I’m with Terrin, you can also make a better pudding with sf jello mix and a casein/whey protein blend.

    These ones are mostly soy..

    cool whip pic..not making me want it any more.

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