Probiotic! What is a probiotic?
A probiotic is basically a supplement of millions of healthy bacteria. You can find them in yogurt, for example, or you can take them in a supplement. These bacteria are good for your gut, digestion, and have some immune benefits as well. They are especially important when taking an anti-biotic. Think about the word’s pro and biotic. Biotic means alive/life, and pro would be indicating there is life. Anti would be indicating no life, aka, when taking an antibiotic, your gut gets completely wiped out of both good and bad bacteria. This is not good! You need healthy/ “good” bacteria to function!
So, now that the mini science lesson is over…Juice Press sent me a Probiotic called Proviotic, and it is entirely vegan. According to the bottle, the good bugs (bacteria) were found in a European snowdrop flower and then grown in juice to be cultured. The bottle also states that “the size of our good bacteria (CFU) is 4 times larger than other probiotics, and each serving contains exceptional strength…without lactose, gluten, soya or nuts”.
Now onto the review! Fortunately, the pills weren’t big.
They came in this nice tin- I suspect to not allow UV light to come in and degrade the probiotic, but I am not 100% sure. You are instructed to take 2 a day, I assumed (since the serving size is 2 capsules) so for most days (except ones I forgot), I took one with breakfast and one with dinner. On my first dew days of taking it, and occasionally throughout the course of the bottle (roughly 1.5 weeks), I noticed some serious gurgling noises going on in my gut. It was only after I ate whilst taking the probiotic. It didn’t happen for a long period of time, nor was it painful, so I figured maybe it was just helping my gut do it’s job!
However, what I loved about this probiotic is that I felt WAY less bloated than I usually do. Normally by the end of the day I feel distended, but this probiotic eradicated that completely. I woke up feeling flat and went to bed feeling flat and not puffy, and it was great. However, I forgot to take my probiotic one morning, and I definitely noticed a change in how my stomach and gut felt- puffy!
Another thing I noticed was that my acid reflux was reduced. I normally only get indigestion with acidic foods, like coffee, or things like onions. I tend to drink coffee almost daily, despite the stomach upset, due to a tight schedule. While taking the probiotic I noticed it reduced my acid symptoms. I still got a stomachache while taking aspirin (which irritates the stomach lining), but I did not have problems with coffee, so that was nice.
Overall, a great product. However, there are only 30 capsules in a bottle, so the bottle goes quickly, and according to the website it is priced at $40.00 per bottle. I received mine to try for free from the company, but if I did not, I certainly don’t think I could budget $80 a month for a probiotic, even though it works awesome. So if you have the budgeting room, definitely give it a try! It is certainly one of the best probiotics I have every tried (I used to be on some other ones a few years ago), and I noticed the best results with this one, it is unfortunately just too expensive for me personally. So, with that in mind, this product shall get 4.5 stars.

I am a sucker for a GOOD probiotic because I have horrific digestive issues, but $80 for a month supply is NUTS!
Not even a month, it was less. However, I switched probiotics to a cheaper brand and you can 100% tell the difference. WIsh I had the money to afford it!