Healthnuttxo 1 1/2 stars,4 Star,Enzymedica,Supplements Enzymedica Acid Soothe and Digest Gold Supplements

Enzymedica Acid Soothe and Digest Gold Supplements



So the nice people over at Enzymedica sent me two of their supplements to try out for free, Digest Gold with ATPro, and Acid Soothe. I was excited to try these, and I have a very sensitive stomach, and could use any extra help I can get!

The Digest Gold is vegan and kosher, and helps with digestion by providing a slew of enzymes. It is priced at roughly $29.99. Here is a list of everything inside!


So anything ending in “-ase” is an enzyme. So you can see, there are a LOT of enzymes in this bottle.  Amylase is an enzyme that breaks down sugars, Protease helps break down proteins, Lactase helps break down milk based/lactose products, etc.  Here is what the pill looked like. It was relatively small and easy to swallow, which is a plus for me. I hate taking huge pills! I will purposely stop buying a brand if the pills are too big.

IMG_0628So how did it work? I decided to take it in the mornings, because I usually feel nauseous after breakfast (disclaimer: I am not pregnant! Just sensitive tummy!). I usually have toast with butter and some coffee for breakfast, and then go to the gym shortly after. At the gym, even 2 hours later, I sometimes feel nauseous or still “full” from my food. The first day I took the Digest Gold I noticed substantially less nausea, and felt pretty good! I was pleased and my stomach felt less heavy than usual.

I tried it again at dinner time. I always get indigestion from sauce/onions, so I had it with a meatball dish with sauce. Again, no heartburn after or indigestion, which was great.

I have been taking the remainder of the bottle with breakfast every day, and although there were a few days I was still nauseous, I would say this product definitely helped me. I would consider buying it again for sure, even though it is a little pricy. 4 stars


Moving on!



The Acid Soothe. This product was priced at (I believe) around  7-8 dollars, which is average for traditional forms of acid relief such as Pepcid for a 30 count box. This product is vegan and filled with vegan enzymes and herbs to help heartburn. Here is the list:




I found the perfect opportunity to take this the other day, when I had a little too much coffee. I had mild heart burn and it was otherwise just giving me a little bit of a stomachache. I took the Acid Soothe and waited about an hour. I must say it was a little bit disappointing. It alleviated the heart burn by very little,  but did help relieve some gas (in the form of some burps) but the heartburn was still relatively painful. I had high hopes for the Acid Soothe seeing as the Digest Gold was so great,  but this one I deem as generally ineffective, as least for me. 1 1/2 stars

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