Healthnuttxo 3 Star,Doctor's Best,Gluten Free,Supplements Doctor’s Best EstroG-100 Menopausal Support Supplement

Doctor’s Best EstroG-100 Menopausal Support Supplement


Alrighty! So I got Doctor’s Best EstroG-100 Menopausal Support Supplement to try courtesy of the company, but…I am NOT going through menopause (that would be kind of evil in my 20s, right?…actually it’s rather evil in general!). So, I passed this supplement along to a person who is going through menopause and is a very trust source. She experiences hot flashes, irritability, mood swings, and night sweats. As a disclaimer, she was already taking Black Cohosh supplement and did not want to discontinue it. So these supplements were taken at the time time.

The bottle contains 30 pills, and you take one per day. They are NON-GMO and Gluten free.


According to the bottle, they provide “Relief from hot flashes, helps [to] manage mood & energy swings, [and] helps [to] alleviate night sweats and promotes restful sleep”.

She has been on the supplement for almost a month. She claims the pills are easy to swallow, despite their semi large appearance, and do not repeat on her or cause any GI distress.

Has she still had hot flashes? Yes, but she said they have decreased in intensity. Not frequency, but the intensity has decreased. This is a good thing!

Has she still had irritability? Yes, she reports still being irritable and having mood swings.

Has she had night sweats? Yes, but she said they have also decreased in intensity.

Has she had relieved sleep? No, she reports no change in sleeping patterns (but she has always been an anxious sleeper, and this can’t really be blamed on menopause alone).

Overall, I asked how many stars would she rate the product out of 5, and she said 3. It did help, but not to an extent she had hoped for.

So, if you are going through menopause, perhaps this supplement is worth a try! Menopause is never a fun thing, so if you know someone going through it, maybe offer an extra hug or an extra cookie will help alongside a supplement too 🙂

3 stars

Here is the ingredients:


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