I am a huge fan of Expression Med. They currently have tapes for products of Dexcom, Infusion Sets, and are hopefully expanding with products for Libre, Medtronic CGM and more in the future. I have used their products before for my Dexcom Continuous Glucose Monitor site and had great results.
These tapes adhere to the site and not only help the site stay on, but also provide some colorful fun. I can only speak of the Dexcom CGM, but after a few days, the sites begin to peel. Or, if you use them in the pool, extended time in water, or even wearing tight clothing can cause the sites to fall off.
I have even encountered times where the sites fall off the same day (mostly because I put one on before skin was completely dry or too close to a shower), and it is a shame because the pods/sites are NOT cheap and you cannot get extra (at least with my insurance). Once you use a CGM, it is VERY hard to go back to pricking your finger multiple times per day, because you are used to knowing what your blood sugar is. So these tapes help the adhesive of the pod/site stay put!
I have personally worn the medical tapes and had no problem with them peeling off or falling off. I have relatively sensitive skin, and had no irritation.
So why does pattern, matter?
Diabetes stinks. There is no way around it. We are given an autoimmune disease that literally controls our life. Multiple injections or site changes, finger pricks and prescriptions. Expression Med brings a tiny bit of color to a dim disease. Something to smile about, show your friends, or even let kids see that they may have an autoimmune disorder, but it does not have to rule their life, and does not make them “different”. There is no shame in being a Diabetic. Expression Med lets you appreciate what modern technology can do for you a little bit more.
Overall, great products. Please check them out! The Dexcom pieces run about 4$ each and are worth every penny!
This is an unbiased review. I received these products to try for free from the company.