Honey is a staple in my diet, especially when I switched over to an animal based diet. Honey (and maple syrup) are my only added sugars I will eat (not including natural sugars in dairy or fruit).
Manuka honey is a special honey, in that It comes from the honey bees that gather nectar from the Manuka tree. You may have heard Manuka honey being used for a variety of skin care as well as wounds, but also to consume. Manuka honey is given a UMF (Unique Manuka Factor) which measures its antimicrobial properties. If It is over 10+, It is considered to be medical grade honey.
New Zealand Honey Company sells a variety of strengths of Manuka honey from 5+ to 28+. I was given a jar of the 10+. According to the website, the 10+ is good as a daily supplement. I plan on using this with fruit, straight from the spoon, or in tea with future viral/bacterial ailments.
I suffer from acne and would be interested in trying the 15+ or 20+ for my skin. They provide a recipe to make a honey body butter which is something I would likely do.
This brand even comes with a lot number that you can search for authenticity for UMF certificate. According to the website, I discovered Manuka honey is the 3rd most “faked” food in the world!
Here’s how It looks!
The taste is interesting! It is not as sweet as traditional honey and has a bit more of a tangy flavor to It but also quite bold . It reminds me more of the honey flavor you would get in a cough medicine versus a bottle from the store. I do like It however. It also has somewhat of a floral taste – reminds me of lavender almost.
Overall, I do like this! The website is totally awesome and has a lot of ways to use honey as well as which is right for you (plus a 20% off coupon!). I’lll be getting the 15+ for my skin and will update y’all in the future. So far I have used the 10+ on my skin as a spot treatment. It does feel quite sticky once on but washes off easily (I left It on for 60 minutes). I also had to sit away from my pooches as they could smell the honey and kept trying to give me kisses LOL. PLEASE PUPS I AM TRYING TO HEAL!!! (they got cookies).
This bottle was provided for me FOR FREE. This is an unbiased review.