Healthnuttxo 3 Star,Bars Evo Hemp Hemp Bar

Evo Hemp Hemp Bar

As an avid gym goer and weight lifter, I am always on the lookout for a good protein bar, particularly not one loaded with sugar and oils, and artificial junk. Today’s review is of Evo Hemp Hemp Bar in Birthday Cake, Brownie Chip, Lemon Bar and Cookie Dough flavors.

They have a base of cashew butter with hemp protein, sweetened with maple syrup and monk fruit/stevia – of note, the birthday cake variety has palm oil, refined sugar- but do use natural sources for colors of the sprinkles which I like – for example beet juice and purple sweet potato. The label claims that they provide “3-4 hours of energy without the added sugar crash”. When you look at the nutrition label, I would agree. It has fiber, protein, fat and some carbohydrate, with minimal sugar. They all have similar nutrition facts – for example the lemon bar is 220 calories, 18 carbs, 13 fat, 5 fiber and 12 protein.

Here’s what they look like- this is the Birthday Cake

They all have a similar texture – a little pasty with crispies in It. They all have a rather predominant cashew butter flavor and you can definitely taste the hemp protein in all of them

Birthday Cake

-mildly sweet with a vanilla white chocolate flavor
-the vanilla/ white chocolate flavor pairs well with the cashew butter

Brownie Chip

-pretty good, reminds me of a brownie. This one was mildly sweet with decent chocolate flavor

Lemon Bar
– light lemon flavor, reminds me of a lemon pound cake type of flavor- sweeter rather than tart. It’s pretty good

Cookie Dough
-plenty of chocolate and decently sweet! Reminds me less of cookie dough and more of a chocolate chip flavored, It lacks the buttery saltiness of cookie dough

Overall, the bars are decent. The texture is not my favorite. I think the bars are also really rich and half a bar would probably be more than enough for my palate. 3.5 out of 5 stars across the board . Ingredients are decent, they are satiating, but texture is a little much for me.

DISCLAIMER – I received these to try for free this is an unbiased review,

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