This review is of Level 2 of Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred. I already reviewed level 1 HERE.
Level 2 was the same format as level 1, but with more intensity. As stated on the DVD box, there are “Three 6-minute Circuits Featuring Jillian’s 3-2-1 Interval System: 3 Minutes of Strength, 2 Minutes of Cardio, 1 Minute of Abs”.
What I noticed this time is that my core and balance were challenged a lot more than in level 1. There were strength moves that required standing on one foot, as well as a good deal of plank work. The strength moves were much more challenging than Level 1, and I felt a significant burn even using 5 pound weights for a few moves. One move toward the end, which was a simultaneous chair squat while raising dumbbells in a V formation was particularly challenging, and the first time I did it I took a brief rest during that segment.
The cardio moves also were bumped up a notch, and I felt as if I burned more calories during these cardio moves than the ones in level 1. They were fun, yet speedy, and helped the DVD progress quickly.
Lastly, the abs, I found to be fair. They were not super challenging, but definitely not super basic either. My lower abs got a good workout, and I felt pretty satisfied.
I almost wish Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred had 4 minutes strength, 3 minutes cardio and 2 minutes abs, because I feel like doing the video just once isn’t enough for me. I ended up doing the Level 2 segment twice, as I did Level 1 the first time I tried it, for me to feel like I had a more complete workout. But then again, I’m an avid exerciser, and I live for the intensity. My family and friends swear I’m crazy, since I crave the intensity of exercise, and maybe I am, but whatever floats your boat right? =)
Overall, Level 2 of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred is my favorite so far, and I can’t wait to try Level 3 !
Have you tried Level 2 of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred? What are your thoughts?