3 1/2 stars , Annie's , Bars , organic

Annie’s Organic Peanutty Chewy Yet Crispy Granola Bars

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Browsing Target, I spotted something new by Annie’s- Organic Peanutty Chewy Yet Crispy Granola Bars! Since I love new products (aaaaand I’m a total impulse buyer) I bought them and took them home. On the box, it states that these have “NO Artificial Ingredients, Preservatives or High-Fructose Corn Syrup- EVER!”, so I could tell I was already starting to like […]

4 Star , Bars , Quaker

Quaker Life Banana Walnut Bread Bar

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One of my all time favorite things is banana bread- I love the sweet banana flavor, the softness of the bread, and the way it feels so dessertlike. So, what about that same thing transformed into a bar? Quaker makes a Life Banana Walnut Bread Bar, that has pretty good ingredients, and according to the package, “5 grams of fiber, […]

3 Star , Bars , New England Naturals , organic

New England Naturals Organic Maple Nut Chewy Granola Bar

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Source When it comes to snacks, I have to be in the mood for a granola bar. Most of the time I find I would prefer something crunchy or something I can sit and savor rather than a granola bar, which I view as a more on-the-go type of snack. However, the other day I wanted something substantial, and something […]

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