Last few days to enter the CHOCOLATEY giveaway! I love YOGURT! I try to eat at least one every day, whether it’s for breakfast, snack, or even dessert! A yogurt I have seen in the stores by me is Fage, which according to the website, makes “Ridiculously thick yogurt”. They have a few different types of products, including the TOTAL […]
GoGo SqueeZ Applesauce on the Go AppleApple and AppleBanana
Don’t forget to check out this CHOCOLATEY giveaway! Applesauce is definitely one of my favorite things to eat. By itself, drizzled on waffles/pancakes, or even as a dip, I find it really versatile and really tasty! But what’s a girl to do when she wants applesauce, but doesn’t have time to eat it, or doesn’t have a spoon? […]
Mi-Del Cookies- Bite Size Oatmeal Chocolate Chip, Gluten Free S’mores, & Maple Munchies
Cookie time! Cookie time! Cookies are amazing. Chewy, soft, crunchy, chocolatey, sweet, buttery, there are all SORTS and kinds of cookies! What’s REALLY awesome, is when the cookies taste good, AND they are good for you. Which leads me too.. Mi-Del Cookies! This company makes a bunch of products, including the 3 that they generously sent me that I […]
Alvarado Street Bakery Essential Flax Seed Bread
Bread. What a wonderful thing. Whole wheat bread, potato bread, rye bread, homemade fresh-outta-the-oven bread… I could go on and on! Nothing’s better to me than a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on two slices of soft, fluffy bread. So, I was excited to explore some new bread options for me, offered by Alvarado Street Bakery. They sent me some coupons […]
Peace Cereal Maple Pecan Crisp
THREE of my favorite things combined in one- maple, pecan, and cereal. Peace Cereal sent me some coupons to try some free products, so as I browsed the aisle at Whole Foods, I saw this cereal, and my heart lit up. MAPLE PECAN CRISP CEREAL! This cereal had corn flakes, oat clusters, and pecans. I liked that it had 5 […]
Popchips Parmesan Garlic Potato Chips
*Before the review begins, don’t forget about the Giveaway!* Enter for a chance to win a CUTE stuffed Beanie Puffin, courtesy of Barbara’s Bakery!* I’ve had and reviewed some Popchips before- they are a tasty, healthier option when it comes to potato chips in my opinion. My favorites that they have are the Cheddar, Barbeque, and Sour Cream & Onion. What’s great […]
Clif Bar & Company C Bars
Clif Bar & Company is one of my go-to brands for bars, because they have a lot to offer, are made with good ingredients, and most importantly, are tasty! The generous folks over at Clif Bar & Company sent me some of their Clif C-Bars to try, which are basically fruit & nut bars. According to the website, they provide 1 serving of fruit per […]
Kettle Brand Baked Potato Chips Aged White Cheddar & Hickory Honey Barbeque
And here is…. another tasty chip review! I reviewed some tasty nut butters I was sent by Kettle Brand, and now it’s time to review the Aged White Cheddar and Hickory Honey Barbeque Chips I was also generously sent by Kettle Foods. According to the website, these chips have “ 65 percent less fat than regular chips, 2 grams of fiber, 3 […]
Michael Season’s
Are you a fan of chips? I never really was one to reach for chips when it came to snacking, but as of lately, I noticed that they go perfect with or after my lunch. When I’m not necessarily hungry, but still in the mood to munch! Luckily for me, the generous people over at Michael Season’s sent me some […]