Peanut Butter….one of the greatest and tastiest foods in my opinion. The best kinds to me are the kinds that can be eaten straight from the jar with only a spoon needed. And while I love my good ol’ fashioned salt + peanuts type of peanut butter, flavored peanut butter is freaking AWESOME as well. SO, naturally, I was excited […]
Crumbs Raspberry Hamentashen
Hamentashen. Yes, I had no idea what it was when I bought it. So if you know, props to you. I was told by a friend that it was a Jewish cookie, and to this moment that’s all I still really know about it. (So please, if you know anything, let me know!) Regardless, amongst all the heavily frosted cupcakes […]
Crumbs Bake Shop Frosted Black and White Cookie
I know, I know. HOW could I go into Crumbs and NOT get a cupcake that everyone seems to love? Well….. I dont know. The Frosted Black and White Cookie (clocking in I believe at 390 calories for one) called to me. Did I need all the inevitable sugar and fat in this cookie? No. Was I going to eat […]
Fabe’s Sweetened by Nature Gluten Free Dark Chocolate Cookie
I think I should start off by saying I don’t like dark chocolate. I will eat it, but I find it too bitter, hardly sweet, and just unenjoyable for my taste buds. My taste buds much prefer milk chocolate, and white chocolate (with my FAVORITE white chocolate review here!) Nutrition courses via an accredited online college for people who have decided […]
Nutritious Creations Black and White Frosted Cookies
Black & White Cookies- how could you NOT like them!!?! In fact when I pulled mine out of the fridge, a friend said something like “Oh! My FAVORITE!!” (Which then I immediately stared back saying hey! this cookie is MINEE!! =) ) Nutritious Creations makes these delicious cookies. They are rather large, about the size of a CD or even […]
Nutritious Creations Low Fat Banana Walnut Cookies
Picture Source During my rather busy day yesterday, I ran into a little grocery store and bought myself a greek yogurt and a Nutritious Creations Low Fat Banana Walnut Cookie. The store had a few options to choose from, but I was in the mood for banana, so I bought that one. I liked, for one thing, how BIG the […]
Lenny & Larry’s Peanut Butter Complete Cookie
image source A cookie… with 15 grams of protein, all natural, and peanut butter flavored? I like the sound of that… Lenny & Larry’s makes The Complete Cookie, which comes in a few flavors, including the Peanut Butter flavor I was sent for free to try for a review. I found out from the website that this cookie is also […]
Penny’s Low Fat Desserts Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookie
SAHALE SNACKS GIVEAWAY ends tomorow!!! Penny’s Low Fat Desserts‘ opening statement about the Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookie is “Chocolate peanut butter—what a combo“, and I couldn’t agree more. Really, what’s better than that classic peanut butter and chocolate combination? I know it’s certainly one of my favorites! So how about when that combination is transformed into… a cookie! And, a […]
Nana’s Cookie Company No Refined Sugar Fruit Juice Sweetened Double Chocolate Cookie
I’ve tried a cookie by Nana’s Cookie Company before, and thought it was great! Well, they also sent me the Double Chocolate Cookie to try, and I was equally as excited. According to the package, this cookie has no “eggs, no dairy, no refined sugar” and is “fruit juice sweetened”! That sounds like my kinda cookie! =) This cookie, is BIG. […]
Penny’s Low Fat Desserts Chocolate Chip Cookie
Will I ever get bored of doing cookie reviews? …NOPE! : ) I recently reviewed Penny’s Low Fat Desserts White Chocolate Cranberry cookie, and thought it was great. Penny’s Low Fat Desserts also sent me the Chocolate Chip variety to try. Does the Chocolate Chip cookie meet the same delicious expectations? Of course! Chocolate Chip– the first thing that came […]