Who doesn’t love cookies?!?! EnjoyLife sent me a huge box of goodies for free, and let me tell you how pleasant of a surprise it was seeing that on my doorstep! These crunchy cookies are gluten free, dairy free, nut free, and soy free according to the box. The box also states that they are “free from the 8 common […]
KIND Chewy With A Crunch bars
Hey guys! I got a nice shipment of new Chewy with a Crunch bars, courtesy of KIND, to do a review on! I used to be a KIND addict- they had they’re yummy granola bars with the nuts in them at my dining hall. I would use up a LOT of my “dining dollars” on those babies! So even though […]
Pacific Beach Organic Valencia Peanut Butter & Signature Peanut Butter Spread
Time for a review…of my absolute kryptonite! Peanut butter! Seriously though…I can refuse any baked good in front of me, but put a jar of peanut butter and a spoon nearby, and you’ll find me melting. I go through the temptation  thoughts like Spongebob with water when he visits Sandy for the first time. “I don’t need it… I don’t […]
Quest Bar RECIPES!
So as you may all know, I am a big fan of Quest Bars. I have done the following reviews on them where I really enjoy the taste and nutrition. Cookies n Cream Quest Bar (um…can we say better than a sandwich cookie?) Chocolate Peanut Butter, Strawberry Cheesecake, Peanut Butter Supreme Quest Bars (because who doesn’t like dessert flavored Quest […]
Quest Nutrition Cookies & Cream Quest Bar
QUEST BARS! I have been a fan of these bars for almost 2 years when I got a box to try from the company. Since then, I have been hooked. They seem to almost have blown up in popularity, and well deserved…these things are delicious and perfect when you are on a strict diet and need something high in fiber, […]
Buddha Chocolate Raw Organic Dark Chocolate Almond Butter Cups
Finally!!! Someone has made an almond butter cup instead of a peanut butter cup! Don’t get me wrong… I’m all about the peanut buttah, and just jumped on this whole almond butter bandwagon rather recently. However, it’s refreshing to see almond butter be a star in a product other than just a jar. Now…when will they make powdered almond butter…? […]
Quest Bar Chocolate Peanut Butter, Strawberry Cheesecake, Peanut Butter Supreme Bars
Another round of Quest Bar reviews! I love these things! I am very grateful the people over at Quest Bar sent me a generous sample box for free so I can try all of their flavors. Today’s review will be of the Chocolate Peanut Butter, Strawberry Cheesecake and Peanut Butter Supreme Quest Bars. As always, these bars are gluten free, […]
Quest Bar Lemon Cream Pie, Peanut Butter & Jelly, and Apple Pie
MORE new flavors to try thanks to the kind folks over at Quest Bar :] This time around, it’s Quest Bar’s Lemon Cream Pie, Peanut Butter & Jelly, and Apple Pie. All of those sound absolutely decadent, no? Now how would they taste in bar form? Let’s see…. 🙂 FIRST UP on this gluten free, high fiber and no sugar […]
Quest Bar Cinnamon Roll & Coconut Cashew
The LOVELY people over at Quest Bar sent me a  free sample box of 11 of their products, the QuestBar. What’s a QUESTBAR you ask? This particular line of protein bars states it is “the only protein bar with a perfect nutritional profile” according to the insert I was sent alongside the bars. Each bar has 20 grams of protein, […]
Zone Perfect Perfectly Simple Cranberry Almond Bar
Another new flavor for me to try from Zone Perfect on their Perfectly Simple line. This time, Cranberry Almond, which I also received in the mail to try for free. I looked at the stats before indulging in the snack. 170 calories, 10 grams of protein, 4 grams of fat, 19 grams os sugar ( a little high for me), […]