Who here eats yogurt for the beneficial probiotics it provides and the taste they love? 🙂 (meeeee!!!!!) Who here eats yogurt for just the beneficial probiotics it provides? Well, for those of you who aren’t too fond of yogurt, here is a product you may want to try. PopCulture Probiotics makes delicious and healthy products that contain the same good-for-you […]
Immaculate Baking Company Chocolate Chunk Cookies
Immaculate Baking Company is a great company that produces all natural & organic cookies, brownies and other treats. They also produce all natural and organic doughs for you to bake your own goodies! The company sent me a coupon for a free product to try, so I picked up the natural Chocolate Chunk cookie dough. It was 24 pre-cut squares […]
Michael Season’s Baked Cheddar Cheese Puffs
Yum. Junk Food. I mean really, who doesn’t love chips, cheese puffs & salty pretzels? 😀 LUCKILY- Michael Season’s makes versions of your typical unhealthy fare that are much more diet (and heart!) friendly. All of their snacks are healthier, and don’t contain all those nasty ingredients some companies put into their snacks. The company sent me a few of […]
Nature’s Path Mmmaple Pecan Granola Bars + health benefits of Maple Syrup!
Perfect time for a Nature’s Path review, seeing as my GIVEAWAY for granola bars, granola, a box of cereal AND reusable tote is going on AS WE SPEAK (or, as you READ, rather). One of the granola bars a reader has a chance to win is the Mmmaple Pecan Flax Plus Granola Bar, which I was so kindly sent to […]
Vitalicious 100 Calorie Muffin Tops
Vitalicious- I’m sure you guys heard of this company. Promoting healthy, delicious, and filling muffins, brownies, muffin tops and even cake, these desserts/snacks are also all natural, and perfect to be reviewed on an all natural site like mine 🙂 The generous folks at Vitalicious (thanks, Frank!) sent me a HUGE sampler pack of vitatops, so I figured I would […]
Chobani Raspberry 0% Greek Yogurt
Let’s start off this post with a wow. I just reviewed Chobani’s new strawberry banana greek yogurt, and thought it was quite tasty. So, I figured, why not also try the 0% raspberry flavor (which Chobani just happened to send me 😛 ) ? I am happy to say, I have one of my new favorite flavors of yogurt! This raspberry Chobani […]
Wallaby Organic Maple Yogurt
Ahhh, yogurt. One of my favorite foods that I would seriously DIE without. I’ve had so many different types of yogurts- plain, flavored, fruit on the bottom, greek, “diet” (YUCK), and now Wallaby Yogurt brings me an organic version that is a Creamy Austrailian Style Yogurt. Australian? Whhhhhat? Well, the company was founded in 1992, when the founders Jerry and Faith […]
Ian's Natural Foods Organic Cheddar and Wheat Crackers
Polly want a cracker? Maybe not, but I do! We all love crackers! With cheese, jelly, peanut butter, or even straight out of the box. Crackers are a perfect munchy, salty snack. A lot of them, however, are packed with hidden hydrogenated oils, sodium and artificial flavors and colors. THANKS, but I prefer my crackers au naturale. So, I got […]
Simply Scrumptous Fit & Flavorful Cupcakes
I have already reviewed some products by Simply Scrumptous from their Fit & Flavorful line, and I really enjoyed them. So, I was not hesistant at all to try their cupcakes, which is also part of their Fit & Flavorful Line of products. First off-let’s start by asking when is the last time you ate a cupcake (with icing!) and […]
Attune Chocolate Probiotic Wellness Bar
That’s right. This is totally a CHOCOLATE review. But not just any chocolate- an actual HEALTHIER chocolate you can feel good about eating! Attune Chocolate Probiotic Wellness Bars are exactly that- healthy, delicious, CHOCOLATE! Attune’s bars may have approximately 6.1 billion CFU’s in each bar, but those probiotics don’t alter the taste at all! These are the same probiotics you find […]