School Safe SoyButter is advertised to be school friendly because it is nut free, and more important, peanut free. I remember when I was in school not being allowed to eat peanut butter sandwiches sometimes because of kids who had allergies (which totally stinks! I love peanut butter!!). According to the website, “Forget anything you’ve tried before, there is no comparison! Our SoyButter tastes as good if not BETTER than Peanut Butter… you won’t believe it’s NOT peanut butter!”
Well- I don’t think ANYTHING can taste better than peanut butter, but I’ll give it a shot 😉
The company sent me a jar of their creamy soy butter, but it also comes in chunky. Each jar is all natural, gluten free, dairy free, nut free, and a good source of Omega’s. This particular jar was also processed in Canada. Cool! 🙂
I opened the jar and it honestly does look JUST like peanut butter. The texture and appearance resembles Jif or Skippy peanut butter. NO separation of oil whatsoever, and was very thick and creamy.
So it looks like peanut butter… But how does it taste?
Yummy! But not like peanut butter. It doesn’t taste like peanut butter really at all. But, it’s still really good! It’s a sweeter nut butter, but also rich too. Even though it’s made with soy, there isn’t an overpowering soynut taste- it’s actually quite delicious. It has a little bit of a bitter/salty aftertaste as well. I think it would be really good warmed on toast or even with some jelly for a PeanutButter (oops!) SoyButter &Jelly Sandwich!
Overall, I give it 4 stars. Although the jar claims “Wow! Tastes just like peanut butter!”, it doesn’t. Although, it does taste really good, so you should still give it a shot! There is, however, 4 grams of sugar per 2 Tbsp, seeing as there is added cane sugar. But I do like that it’s creamy and rich, and provides protein, fiber, and healthy fats like Omega’s. I’ll keep this in my nut/seed butter rotation! 🙂
2 Tablespoons is 200 calories, 15 grams of fat, 8 carbohydrates, 4 grams of sugar and 7 grams of protein. There is also 7.5 grams of Omega-6 and 1.5 grams of Omega-3 per serving.
Canadian Toasted Soy, Soy Oil, Granulated Cane Sugar, Monoglyceride (from vegetable oil), Sea Salt.

Interesting they claim on the jar it tastes just like peanut butter! I don’t really see any sense in buying this unless you are allergic to other nut butters, esp since the nutritional facts are about the same. I’ve tried PB2, but thought it was just ok. I’ve learned that there really is no replacement for REAL peanut butter. Thanks for reviewing this tho! I’ve always wondered what the soy kind tastes like, but looks like I’m not really missing out!
i actually like these 2 brands I.M. Healthy and Simple Foods for soy nut butter. I reviewed the Simple foods one (delish) and I.M. healthy has a chunky honey soy butter i LOVE. i;ll be doing a review soon- keep an eye out 😉