Spotting something new at the store for me, Fage Total 0% with Cherry Pomegranate. I had a feeling it was going to be delicious, but I had to buy it, (ya know just to make sure ;] )
So I put it in the freezer for about 15 minutes or so, and then took it out. This yogurt was separated into two parts- one of just yogurt, and another of a liquid-like fruity side. I took a scoop of the yogurt and was amazed how THICK it was.
I tried the greek yogurt part first- it was plain, but not too tart, which I liked. It was soooo thick, almost like a paste! The fruit part was de-lic-ious. The perfect balance of cherry and pomegranate flavors, it was sweet and slightly tart. There were also actual shreds of pieces of fruit in there! And of course, when eaten together? A creamy treat, that knd of reminded me of what a cherry pie would taste like in yogurt form. MMM!
Overall, a winner for me. Looks like I’ll add this to my list of yogurts to buy when I go shopping (which, is quite long, but always room for more!!). 4 1/2 stars
What’s your favorite way to eat pomegranates? I’ve only ever had the seeds, which is QUITE messy to eat. I vaguely remember getting pomegranate juice, everywhere. Ooops!! 😉
1 container is 120 calories, 0 grams of fat, 19 grams of carbohydrates, 0 grams of fiber, 16 grams of sugar and 11 grams of protein.

WoW! Well that sure looks delicious!
I love pom seeds! I’ve seen them used in salads a lot lately but I’ve never tried it
that DOES sound like a good idea! A little sweet/tangy crunch! 🙂