Healthnuttxo 4 Star,Popcorn Indiana,Snacks Popcorn, Indiana Apple Crisp Popcorn

Popcorn, Indiana Apple Crisp Popcorn

Oh yea you know I FLIPPED out when I saw this. Well…I flipped out on the inside because I was in public and all, but on the inside I was screaming YES!!!!! THIS SOUNDS AWESOME!!!!!

Not pumpkin popcorn (ooh, how good does that sound?) but this sounds like just the right thing to bring on the fall spirit. APPLE CRISP! Fall is always about apple picking and pumpkin picking for me (sadly, I have yet to do both this year….) but at least I can enjoy the delicious apple flavors in treats like this! So, I bought it for 3 dollars (at Whole Foods!) which I thought was reasonably priced.

Here’s what some of it looked like

BUT, then I actually weighed it. Here’s what a serving is (insert sad face here)

woooomp. wooooomp.

And yes…that IS a sandwich sized bag.

But whatever. I always eat more than a serving anyway, even though a serving for this is really quite pathetic.

ANYWAY- I looked through the bag. HUGE pieces of popcorn, round and fluffy, along with some pieces being help together by a sticky, sugary syrup. I didn’t mind a bit as it was quite tasty, but there were about 3 HUGE “globs” of this popcorn/syrup mess. I also spotted some oats on the pieces of popcorn, which I guess contributes to the “apple crisp” part.

This popcorn was just really not what I expected. But I can’t say I hated it.

Upon first bite? I was puzzled. What does this taste like? I’ve had this before. I DEFINITELY ate this before!! And then.. This tastes EXACTLY like Quaker Apple Cinnamon Rice Cakes! And let me just say, as a kid, I was obsessed with that very flavor of rice cakes. Although, dont get me wrong, the popcorn was way sweeter. But the flavor was exactly the same.

Overall, I liked this snack. And that’s exactly what I would call it. It wasn’t popcorn to me- no annoying hulls or tiny pieces with popcorn kernels. Just round, fluffy and crunchy pieces with a sugary, apple cinnamon flavored syrup. It was an apple snack to me. 4 stars for this one, only because it’s super high in sugar (TWENTY grams!!), and since the portion size is small, I’d be eating at least double.

*What’s your favorite FALL dessert? I am obsessed with Candy apples. mmmm!

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3 thoughts on “Popcorn, Indiana Apple Crisp Popcorn”

  1. Well I would say when I put the popcorn into a 1 cup measuring cup it was probably 1.5-2x the “1 and 1/2 cup” reccomendation! I was so surprised! I always weigh 🙂

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