Hello! So a non-food item to review today, the Omron Blood Pressure Monitor. There will also be a GIVEAWAY for this monitor at the end of the review (now that may make your blood pressure rise!!)
Omron sent me a blood pressure monitor to review for free. It comes nicely packaged in the box, with each component wrapped up separately. It has an option to use plugged in with an AC adapter, or to use 4 AA batteries with. I think this option is great, because there are definitely times when the power goes out (we had a power surge actually AS I write this!) and people need to have their blood pressure taken.
There is a little bit of a setup after batteries are put in/plugged into an outlet. You can input the date and time by pressing the clock button 3 times, and then adjusting the date and time accordingly. You can also bypass this option, but I put it in to store data.
Next, plug in the cuff in the blue circular hole on the side, and you can begin! What I liked about this cuff was that it had a firm circular “tube” set up for your arm, so it takes the hassle of wrapping someone’s or your own arm tight “enough” since there is often material that needs to be overlapped.
My arm slid right in, and I tightened the cuff. The wire connecting to the machine should be on your inner arm, and the cuff should be placed on your left arm, bare skin.
I hit the start button, and within 30 seconds I had my blood pressure. Happy to report good numbers! I am usually 110/70, and that is right where I fell.
I also liked how it gave you a range on the right side for normal numbers, and what would be too high or too low, and gives you your heart rate!
I tried the blood pressure monitor on my roommate as well, and it was also done with ease. He said his diastolic number was a bit lower than usual (a few points), but he just woke up and hadn’t eaten, so we accounted it to that. I *may* have woken him up just to use the machine, don’t judge me!
Overall, I liked this machine! I think it is the best at home use blood pressure monitor I have tried so far. 4 stars
NEXT- giveaway!!!
To win your very own blood pressure monitor from Omron…
- leave a comment on this page stating why you would want this monitor.
- share this giveaway! On twitter, a blog post, anything, Just use the link and leave a comment saying you did so.
US only. Giveaway will close December 6th 2014, 12 pm.

My mother had a long history of hypertension so have been aware of blood pressure issues for quite some time. I really should monitor my blood pressure more regularly.
After reading your review, I think that my father would like this blood pressure monitor. This blood pressure monitor is better than the one that he currently uses. If I won this giveaway, I would definitely give this blood pressure monitor to him.
I would like to win because this is a great product, my mother would use it.
I shared http://www.pinterest.com/pin/312085449152928101/