Truth: I have NEVER had an air purifier before! I’ve been told they are great products, but never thought of getting one. I was offered one to try for free by Airfree. This purifier is supposed to help clear the air and help those suffering with asthma and allergies, as well as prevent yucky things like mold and germs!!
How does it work? The infographic below shoes that the air enters the purifier, they are heated to 400 degrees F (and killed!!!!), the air is then cooled and then put back into the environment.
As you can see below, it helps get rid of odors, dust, mold, viruses, pet dander and more.
First I placed the filter in my room. It is a bit of an odd shape, and very light. You are not supposed to keep it by an open window (for then, all the clean air gets out!!) or directly by a strong wind/air conditioning. I placed it in the corner of my room.
It is completely silent when it is on. It is slightly warm and there is a blue light that turns on so you know it is plugged in and working. You are NOT supposed to unplug it…just leave it and let it do it’s job!
Honestly…I loved this! I felt my room felt less stuffy, and my mild allergies were reduced. I ended up putting this downstairs near our dog since she is super old and now has a lot of accidents. I wanted to see if it would help any odors. While it did not eliminate them, it definitely helped decrease pet odor which was a plus.
I love that it is quiet too. It also does not need any filter to be replaced, only a quick and easy clean up. Overall, 4 1/2 stars. Great product 🙂
I received this product for free. This is an unbiased review.