2 1/2 stars , 4 Star , Baking , Nut Butters, Toppings & Spreads , Protein Based

Vitamin Shoppe’s Protein Pantry! MET-RX Protein Pancake Mix, P28 Apple Crisp Spread, and D’s Naturals Fluff Butter

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    Introducing…Vitamin Shoppe’s Protein Pantry! A new section at Vitamin Shoppe filled with yummy protein packed foods! My favorite. Aside from the traditional protein bars, I like eating protein enriched foods, since I have such an active lifestyle. Gotta fuel those muscles! They sent me MET-RX Protein Pancake Mix, P28 Apple Crisp Spread, and D’s Naturals Fluff Butter in Chocolate Fudge […]

2 1/2 stars , 4 Star , Fruit/Fruity Snacks , Gluten Free , vegan , vegetarian

Perky Fruit Bodies- Cacao Banana Coconut, Coconut Banana, Strawberry Banana

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I got some yummy Perky Fruit Bodies to try! What is that, you say? These are organic, raw, vegan, gluten free, and kosher “fruit leathers”. Let’s get to it! ^-^   Coconut Banana– this one is squished! The color and appearance isn’t appetizing, but we always go beyond that for food reviews! The flavor is OK. Banana and coconut flavor […]

3 1/2 stars , 4 Star , Gluten Free , Nut Butters, Toppings & Spreads , Prepped Foods , Recipes

Outer Spice Original & Spicy seasonings

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I got these spices to try from Outer Spice! I was sent two varieties, the No Salt Spicy version, and the Himilayan Sea Salt Original blend. They have a retail value of roughly $6.99 each.  They are MSG, GMO and Gluten Free, and made from high quality spices and herbs. I used these a few times during cooking. We made […]

4 Star , Gluten Free , Probiotics , Supplements , yogurt

Bio-K PLUS Fermented Dairy Probiotic- Strawberry

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Probiotics are super important in anyone’s diet. They help keep your immune system working well as well as your colon and bowels happy with a healthy flora of bacteria. They are especially recommended for people on Antibiotics a lot, since those medications wipe out ALL bacteria, both good and bad, in your gut, and the good bacteria is NEEDED in […]

3 1/2 stars , 4 Star , Bars , Gluten Free

D’s Naturals No Cow Bar – Mint Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter Cookie Dough, Blueberry Cobbler

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Alright! So a friend of mine told me about this brand called D’s Naturals. I personally never heard of them or have seen them in store, so I went to their website to check them out. I got the opportunity to try some of their No Cow bars, in 3 varieties- the Mint Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter Cookie Dough,  and Blueberry […]

4 Star , Blake's , Frozen Foods , Gluten Free

Blake’s Shepherd’s Pie

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Mmmm. Shepherd’s Pie. One of my favorites. I saw this at Target, and used a coupon  mailed to me at the courtesy of Blake’s…thanks guys! 🙂 There were two cooking methods…microwave oven or conventional oven. I chose microwave (because I’m lazy). I decided tonight would be a good time for a microwave dinner because 1. It was hot, and I […]

3 Star , 4 1/2 stars , 4 Star , Snacks , vegan , vegetarian

Uncomplicated Foods Tali-O Bites- Powerfully Peanut, A Hint of Almond, Double the Coconut

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Hello! I got some  yummy treats from Uncomplicated Foods to try for free called Tali-O Bites! They are these bite sized treats made from organic dates and other flavors, to make for a healthy snack. They come in 3 flavors, Powerfully Peanut, A Hint of Almond, and Double the Coconut. All 3 flavors are gluten free, vegan, non GMO, soy […]

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