3 1/2 stars , Vitamins

AlternaVites Kids Strawberry Bubble Gum Quick-Melting Multivitamin & Mineral Crystals

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Do you take a daily multi-vitamin? I must say, even though I generally have a good diet, I do take a multi-vitamin (in the gummy form of course. What can I say? It brings out my inner childhood 🙂 ) Something new I was offered to try for free, the AlternaVites Kids Strawberry Bubble Gum Quick-Melting Multivitamin & Mineral Crystals. […]

4 Star , Bars , Luna/Clif Bar & Company

Clif Builder’s S’mores Protein Bar

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Another Builder’s Bar review! This time, the S’mores flavor. Who could really ever resist a S’more? Chocolate? Marshmallow? Graham crackers? All warm and gooey… Ok I’ll stop now, before day dreaming turns into my actually going out to buy ingredients to make S’mores…. Insert Clif Builder’s S’mores Protein Bar, made with natural ingredients, organic ingredients, and still some muscle-loving protein. […]

2 Star

NuvoSport ProGel

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Pro Gel. What’s that? Protein gelatin, perhaps? =D I know, I never saw/heard/thought of it before, but low and behold, it exists! I got a free sample to try from the company, and with the combination of 1. Being hungry 2. Not wanting to eat junk food and 3. on a high protein diet, I saw this as the perfect […]

4 1/2 stars , candy

The Ginger People Peanut Ginger Chews

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Ginger. I think it’s a love it or leave it kind of thing. As in, too much ginger would totally turn me off – leave it. But just the right amount, like in a gingerbread cookie or a subtle flavor in an entree? love it. I’ve tried some products by The Ginger People before, mostly the original Ginger Chews. Every […]

3 1/2 stars , Gluten Free , Nut Butters, Toppings & Spreads

Truwhip the Natural Whipped Topping

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Um………confession time. I am a Cool-Whip addict. But seriously. I KNOW, it’s full of not-so-good for you ingredients, I think I’ve even seen the really evil ones like HFCS or trans fats, and I KNOW it practically has no nutritional value and I KNOW why don’t I just eat natural whipped cream? Well, I can’t explain it. Something about cool-whip. […]

3 1/2 stars , Health Kismet

Health Kismet Incredible Greens

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Something new to try! I was offered to try Health Kismet Incredible Greens for free. It has a bunch of awesome stuff in it, and you know I’m a sucker for anything with a bunch of healthy ingredients! Take a look! But what to mix it with? I was given some suggestions, and had to work with what I had […]

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