Who doesn’t love trail mix? Crunchy, sweet, salty, savory, and satisfying- all in one! I was pleasantly surprised when I saw a box on my front step from Enjoy Life, and inside was their Not Nuts! Seed and Fruit Mix in Mountain Mambo and Beach Bash varieties. Take a closer look. Here’s the Mountain Mambo And heres the Beach Bash […]
Dancing Deer Baking Co. Peanut Butter Cats and Chocolate Bats cookies
YES! Halloween is almost here! Time to hand out candy to kids dressed up in ah-dorable costumes, and get props as one of the best houses that hands out candy. We go all out. Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, Butterfingers, Snickers….you know the good stuff. And not the mini barely more than a bite size- the bigger pieces! Ever since I […]
Red Mango Pumpkin Spice Frozen Yogurt
Ahh, it’s that time of year again. I’m a summer girl at heart, but I do love fall. A time of pumpkin and apple picking (love me some candy apples!!), bringing back the UGG boots (woo!!), and….Pumpkin Spice Frozen Yogurt at Red Mango. It came back to the establishment a few days ago, and while schedule conflicts KEPT PREVENTING ME […]
Chocolate Chip Cherry Torte LARAbar
Look-ee what I got in the mail, as a complete surprise to me… YEP- some Chocolate Chip Cherry Torte LARAbars! With a cute little bag, button, sticker and slice of information pie. What a nice welcome surprise once I walked in the door and had a package waiting for me. Thanks, LARAbar!!! Now, down to business. It looks like your […]
Birdbath Bakery Chocolate Chip Cookie
I shouldn’t have done it. Coming home from the gym today, I passed by this bakery, Birdbath Bakery. I have such a weak spot for cookies. Cake? dont need it. Ice cream? pass. Brownies? no thank you. But cookies? I. Cannot. Resist. Cookies. So after I elliptical-ed (is that a word? It is now!) for an hour (ok, ok, 45 […]
Alexia Waffle Cut Sweet Potato Fries
Source Oh yeaaaaa. Sweet potato fries. I saw these at Whole Foods and was immediately excited! Of course, at the time I didn’t take into account that I DONT have a pan to cook fries on at home, so these were purchased very quickly after discovering them at the store. I say discovering because that’s what I feel like it’s […]
Trader Joe’s Creamy Polenta with Spinach and Carrots
I love Trader Joe’s. It seems like everytime I go in there, there is a new and exciting product to try. I trust Trader Joe branded products, as for the most part, they have always been really delicious and rather nutritious as well. Today’s choice? Trader Joe’s Creamy Polenta with Spinach and Carrots. I wanted something carby to go along […]
Cosi Lighter Side Tandoori Chicken Sandwich
The other day I went to visit my personal trainer. It. Was. Awesome. I was sore from head to toe the next day. Really. I THOUGHT I was in shape. Regardless, post exercise, I went home and realized I was starving. But had hardly anything in my kitchen. A girl can only have scrambled eggs as a source of protein […]
365 Cheese Curls
I know how I’ve made comments in the past on how I do NOT like cheese. And well… That’s still true. But I don’t count cheese curls. Or cheese doodles. Or cheese puffs. Or whatever your preference on what you call your favorite salty, cheesy, crunchy snack. Even though it may be made with cheese, CHEESE to me is the […]
Clif Bar Iced Gingerbread Energy Bar
Ahhh gingerbread. Brings me back to memories of Christmastime, either getting seriously sticky and messy decorating a gingerbread house, or baking delicious gingerbread cookies. I happen to be a fan of the deep taste of ginger and the slight crunch, and then a bit of frosting to add some sweetness. Delicious! This particular bar is a seasonal one, and I’m […]