Trigger Point Therapy, or Self Myofascial Release (SMR), is something I am particularly fond of. I was offered a free book to try by Dr. Karl Knopf and Chris Knopf on doing trigger point therapy with a foam roller. Unfortunately, a foam roller is not included, but I had one anyway so it worked out perfectly! What is SMR? The […]
EnjoyLife Handcrafted Crunchy Cookies
Who doesn’t love cookies?!?! EnjoyLife sent me a huge box of goodies for free, and let me tell you how pleasant of a surprise it was seeing that on my doorstep! These crunchy cookies are gluten free, dairy free, nut free, and soy free according to the box. The box also states that they are “free from the 8 common […]
Pearson Farm Natural Elliot Pecan Halves
Pecans are by far, my favorite nut. So when I got an email asking to review some of the “BEST. PECANS. EVER!” , you bet I was down to give them a try! I got sent a bag to try for free from Pearson Farm. I was slightly skeptical after reading the ingredients. Just…pecans? No salt? Not roasted? Hmm… However, […]
Juice Press Proviotic- purely vegan probiotic
Probiotic! What is a probiotic? A probiotic is basically a supplement of millions of healthy bacteria. You can find them in yogurt, for example, or you can take them in a supplement. These bacteria are good for your gut, digestion, and have some immune benefits as well. They are especially important when taking an anti-biotic. Think about the word’s pro […]
Nutiva O’Coconut Coconut Treats and Numi Organic Tea
I got some goodies!!! Nutiva sent me some yummy coconut treats to try, and Numi sent me a variety of some organic teas! I thought the idea was cute, since teas and “cookies” often are paired together 🙂 Let’s do the coconut treats first. These treats were individually packaged, and teeny! About a third of the size of my palm […]
Cluck’n Moo Grass Fed Beef & Chicken Burgers
If there is one food that I love…it is beef! I used to avoid beef like the plague…for whatever reason…but since I reintroduced it back into my diet a little over a year ago, I can’t get enough! Meatballs, burgers, I love it all. However, beef usually pays a price in my diet. It is either super delicious, and high […]
Bai 5 Antioxidant Infusions beverage
I received some free samples of the Bai 5 Antioxidant Infusions beverages, in 3 different flavors. I received Brasilia Bluberry, Limu Lemon, and Tanzania Lemonade Tea. I must be honest, I feel like I have definitely seen these in stores before but never thought to buy them for whatever reason. But alas! Now I have no choice but to try […]
CredibleCravings organic whole food bars
I have a new product to review! CredibleCravings sent me a few of their organic whole food bars to try. According to the label, these bars are “developed to support the nutritional needs of women before, during, and after pregnancy”. They are organic, have no GMOs, have probiotics, free of soy, and are made with no artificial sweeteners. And ALTHOUGH […]
Live Love POP all natural popcorn- Lime Fresco, Sea Salt, Truffle Salt
Popcorn is by far my favorite snack (this post is still not biased!!). I was sent 3 flavors of a brand of popcorn I have never heard of, or even seen in stores, for free. Live Love POP sent me Lime Fresco, Sea Salt, and Truffle Salt popcorn, all made with minimal ingredients, and waist line friendly (30 calories per […]
JD’s Salsa in Seconds Hot and Mild salsa mix
Summer is the perfect time to sit outside, have a BBQ with friends, and eat a variety of snacks. Well…I suppose snacking is a year round thing, but go with me on this one! I got JD’s Salsa in Seconds Hot and Mild salsa mix for free to try for a review. The mix comes with instructions to make their […]