I think I should start off by saying I don’t like dark chocolate. I will eat it, but I find it too bitter, hardly sweet, and just unenjoyable for my taste buds. My taste buds much prefer milk chocolate, and white chocolate (with my FAVORITE white chocolate review here!) Nutrition courses via an accredited online college for people who have decided they want to
pursue their knowledge about health and nutrition further. It is helpful to learn from each other as well as experts and books.
So, before eating this, in the back of my head I thought, aw man, DARK chocolate? Boo! But who am I to judge based on the name? Who knows what it will taste like? It could be cookie heaven.
And it was…
As you can probably see, it was a bit crumby, and broke apart very easily. Kind of like the other gluten free cookie by Fabe’s. It was dense, and a bit “piecy” as I chewed it, but wow was it DE LIC IOUS. And yes, delicious is three words now, you didn’t know that? ; ) (kidding). Literally, this cookie melted in my mouth as I ate it. It was very sweet, and tasted like a brownie. Or just like chocolate frosting. Actually, how about a brownie WITH chocolate frosting on it. SO GOOD!
Seriously, Fabe’s knows how to make cookies. Yes, there are some crumb issues going on, so I wouldn’t reccommend eating this while your wearing white or at a friend’s house who can’t stand crumbs anywhere. In fact, I advise you don’t eat this cookie at that friends house, or I predict he or she will be very angry at you. However, feel free to eat it on your way out the door because you can’t wait until you get home. It’s that good. It’s so good I made up an imaginary friend for you who doesn’t like crumbs. Your welcome.
ANYWAY, this one gets 4 1/2 stars. Again, the crumb/consistency of the cookie is a bit off, but the flavor is right on. And the nutritional facts will set you back 280 calories if you polish off the whole cookie (hey…don’t point your finger at me. I only ate 3/4 of the cookie this time! =) ). Regardless, I think you should try this if you have the chance to!
I got this cookie to try for free from the company.

Can you buy Fabes products in stores? They look pretty darn delicious!
Oh, Lisa you broke my heart! You don’t like dark chocolate? Oh ):
I used to love white chocolate, but an incident involving 2 Russle Stovers solid white chocolate Easter bunnies turned me off for a good while 😉
These cookies kinda look like vitatops. Are they identical, more filling? Or completely different?
Id say less filling, but 10x more delicious 🙂 hahaha.
and sorry about teh dark chocolate! but been there with the white…lets just say 3 bars of it gone in 2 days 😉
Im sure you can- im not sure though- I got mine to try from the company! 🙂
How much do they cost? Do you grade on price as well?
I dont really grade on price, because most of products are free. These are free too 🙂
Do you expect them to be free for most of your readers?
Would you pay for them?
No, I dont expect them to be free for the readers, but I was just saying I got them for free. I would probably pay for it if I saw it in stores 🙂
Haha…like anyone is gonna share their cookie…okay, maybe that is just me! 🙂 I’m the opposite of you with the chocolate. White chocolate I can live without, milk is fine, but dark is my ultimate fave!
hahah well thats good for you- dark chocolate is healthiest anyway!! 🙂
I’ve bought the single serve cookies before they usually cost around $1.50-$2.00
ooh, not too pricy! thanks!! 🙂