1 Star , 1/2 star , 2 1/2 stars , 2 Star , 4 Star , Deep Relieving Gel review , Equipment & Products , jet spray review , menthol , pain relief , Salonpas , Salonpas , Salonpas Deep Relieving Gel , salonpas pain relief review , Salonpas Pain Relieving Gel Patch-HOT

Salonpas pain relief OTC Patches, Jet Spray and Deep Relieving Gel

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I got this carepackage from Salonpas! They sent me an array of pain relief in the form of patches, a spray and a gel. I was excited to try these out! I do a lot of heavy lifting at the gym, and sometimes my muscles ache (think: traps and legs!) or my lower back is stiff post deadlifts, so I […]

1/2 star , Drinks

Maine Root Pumpkin Pie Soda

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Pumpkin Pie Soda. Say whaaaaaat?! I saw this in Whole Foods, and KNEW I had to try it. Really? Pumpkin Pie soda? How can that even be?! It came in a 6 pack, or individual. I thought it would be best to try one, and then if I (hopefully!!) liked it, go back and buy the 6 pack of these […]

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