As a Type 1 Diabetic, certain foods are hard to eat without a huge spike in my blood sugars. Any sweetener tends to fall under that rule, and maple syrup is no exception. For years I would use sugar free syrup sweetened with Sucralose or Aspartame, however recently I have decided to cut this from my diet and opt for […]
1 Star , 1/2 star , 2 1/2 stars , 2 Star , 4 Star , Deep Relieving Gel review , Equipment & Products , jet spray review , menthol , pain relief , Salonpas , Salonpas , Salonpas Deep Relieving Gel , salonpas pain relief review , Salonpas Pain Relieving Gel Patch-HOT
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Salonpas pain relief OTC Patches, Jet Spray and Deep Relieving Gel
I got this carepackage from Salonpas! They sent me an array of pain relief in the form of patches, a spray and a gel. I was excited to try these out! I do a lot of heavy lifting at the gym, and sometimes my muscles ache (think: traps and legs!) or my lower back is stiff post deadlifts, so I […]
1/2 star , 2 Star , 4 1/2 stars , 4 Star , Cookies/Baked Goods , Klara's Gourmet Cookies
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Klara’s Gourmet Cookies
The nice people over at Klara’s Gourmet Cookies sent me some yummy cookies to try for free. Being a Diabetic I try not to eat sweets, but I allow myself some nibbles every now and then for events like this- a review!! 😀 I got a nice assortment and was excited to try! Let’s begin 🙂 Vanilla Walnut Crescent- These […]