Alright! Not a food (obviously) but something new for me to try. Topricin, a “Pain Relief & Healing Cream”. At first when I offered to review this product (free for me, given to me by the company) I thought…hmm…do I even really have that much pain. Uh…YES. I’m just “used” to it, so it’s not that prevalent anymore! Hysterical, I […]
PB Crave Cookie Nookie Peanut Butter
Peanut Butter….one of the greatest and tastiest foods in my opinion. The best kinds to me are the kinds that can be eaten straight from the jar with only a spoon needed. And while I love my good ol’ fashioned salt + peanuts type of peanut butter, flavored peanut butter is freaking AWESOME as well. SO, naturally, I was excited […]
Zone Perfect Perfectly Simple Cranberry Almond Bar
Another new flavor for me to try from Zone Perfect on their Perfectly Simple line. This time, Cranberry Almond, which I also received in the mail to try for free. I looked at the stats before indulging in the snack. 170 calories, 10 grams of protein, 4 grams of fat, 19 grams os sugar ( a little high for me), […]
Larabar Uber Sweet and Salty Fruit and Nut Bars
I love when I get new products to try, and when new surprises await me in the mailbox or outside my door. To my surprise, I found a little bag from Larabar with some of their new bars, Uber bars, which are sweet and salty fruit and nut bars. I LOVE fruit and nut bars. Satisfying, sweet, crunchy, and just […]
Annie Chun’s Mini Wontons Chicken and Garlic
Something new for me to try! Browsing the aisle at Whole Foods, I wanted to try something out of the ordinary (or at least so for me) to have as a snack or as part of a meal. I decided to pick up these and give them a try. The ingredients and nutritional information seemed pretty good and up to […]
Smart-meal snx FRUITMANIA Mixed Berry Fruit Drink
How many fruits and veggies do you REALLY eat daily? No, I don’t personally count the 3 pieces of freeze-dried fruit in your cereal or the bag of potato chips you had as a fruit or vegetable serving, although some may. I try to eat as many fruits and veggies as possible, but understandable, sometimes it is hard to reach […]
Justin’s Nut Butter Maple Almond Butter
I finally bought a jar of this stuff. I pass by it almost every time I go to Whole Foods (probably because I ALWAYS go down the nut butter aisle). What stops me? This jar of Justin’s Nut Butter was so good, so why not buy another? the 10 dollar price tag. My wallet cries everytime I buy nut butter. […]
Robert’s American Gourmet Chocolate Pirate’s Booty
I LOVE PIRATE’S BOOTY! Cheesy, puffy, salty delicious-ness. So I was in Whole Foods browsing the snack aisles, and saw Chocolate Pirate’s Booty. At first I was a bit taken aback/weirded out. Wait….cheesy and chocolatey? I was almost going to buy pita chips instead, but then I decided to give it a try. Why not? Maybe it would be delicious! […]
EnjoyLife Sunbutter Crunch Chewy Bars
Yay for new products to try! I was sent a few boxes of EnjoyLife Chewy Bars to try to review for free. Of course I agreed, as I am always up to try new things. Plus….I eat granola bars like crazy! Even more…these bars are dairy free, wheat free, gluten free, fish free, egg free, soy free, and nut free! […]
Dancing Deer Baking Co. Peanut Butter Cats and Chocolate Bats cookies
YES! Halloween is almost here! Time to hand out candy to kids dressed up in ah-dorable costumes, and get props as one of the best houses that hands out candy. We go all out. Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, Butterfingers, Snickers….you know the good stuff. And not the mini barely more than a bite size- the bigger pieces! Ever since I […]