3 1/2 stars , Gluten Free , Perdue

Perdue Short Cuts Grilled Italian Style Carved Chicken Breast

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These things are a staple in my fridge. Any given time of any given day, they will be in there. And….I never tried them. Until now of course. After a quick scan of ingredients and nutritional information accompanying a growling stomach after a workout, I decided the Short Cuts Grilled Italian Style Carved Chicken Breast would fit the bill. Here’s […]

4 1/2 stars , Gluten Free , Nut Butters, Toppings & Spreads , Peanut Butter & Co. , vegan , vegetarian

Peanut Butter & Co Mighty Maple Peanut Butter

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Another nut butter to add to my addiction and to subtract money out of my wallet (*sigh*…that wallet never had a chance against any nut butters). Insert, Peanut Butter & Co Mighty Maple Peanut Butter. One of the tastiest I have tried from Peanut Butter & Co., this one is also gluten free and vegan SIDENOTE: How cute is that […]

2 Star , Vitamins

Vitafusion Calcium Gummy Vitamins for Adults

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Something different to review, vitamins! I like to take a daily vitamin/calcium and fish oil when it comes to supplements. I mostly take calcium because I don’t always get my 2-3 servings of dairy a day, so I think it helps me reach my quota. (Of course, I always suggest talking to your doctor first before taking any supplements!) I […]


Cappuccino LARABar

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Something new! Don’t you all love new products!? (: I got a very nice card and some free Cappuccino LARABars from the company a week or so ago (happy holidays to me!) I opened up the box and saw four bars of a flavor I never heard of or saw before- Cappuccino. This might be interesting, I thought. I used […]

4 Star , Bars , Corazonas

Corazonas Banana Walnut Oatmeal Square

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I have a confession. I’m obsessed with banana flavored things. Banana bread, banana ice cream, banana yogurt (yes! they make it!). I DONT like fake banana (aka laffy taffy) but real banana flavored things I absolutely adore. Which, go figure, I find weird because I’m not all that crazy about bananas themselves. Hmm. So, I got this free Corazonas Banana […]

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