Since I had such success with the last Batter Blaster I reviewed, I thought, why not? Let’s try another variety of the stuff and see which one I like best! Off to the store, and a friend of mine picked up the Batter Blaster Organic Original Pancake & Waffle Batter for me, partly because she said it was the only […]
Smart-meal snx FRUITMANIA Mixed Berry Fruit Drink
How many fruits and veggies do you REALLY eat daily? No, I don’t personally count the 3 pieces of freeze-dried fruit in your cereal or the bag of potato chips you had as a fruit or vegetable serving, although some may. I try to eat as many fruits and veggies as possible, but understandable, sometimes it is hard to reach […]
Campbell’s Select Harvest Chicken with Whole Grain Pasta Soup
What do cold wintry days bring? Multiple trips to Starbucks and hot bowls of soup. Well at least for me. The weather was beyond bitter cold and windy the other day, and I thought the only thing to help my winter woe’s was to have a nice hot bowl of soup. In the mood for something new, I tried, Campbell’s […]
Perdue Short Cuts Grilled Italian Style Carved Chicken Breast
These things are a staple in my fridge. Any given time of any given day, they will be in there. And….I never tried them. Until now of course. After a quick scan of ingredients and nutritional information accompanying a growling stomach after a workout, I decided the Short Cuts Grilled Italian Style Carved Chicken Breast would fit the bill. Here’s […]
Peanut Butter & Co Mighty Maple Peanut Butter
Another nut butter to add to my addiction and to subtract money out of my wallet (*sigh*…that wallet never had a chance against any nut butters). Insert, Peanut Butter & Co Mighty Maple Peanut Butter. One of the tastiest I have tried from Peanut Butter & Co., this one is also gluten free and vegan SIDENOTE: How cute is that […]
Snyder’s of Hanover Peanut Butter Pretzel Sandwich Dips
Peanut butter + pretzels + chocolate? Need there be another reason to buy these? I didn’t think so. I also didn’t care that my wallet currently has 5 singles in it and I spent a few of those on these Dips. Oh salty sweet snacks, why must you tempt me so? These little Dips were two pretzels, with peanut butter […]
Vitafusion Calcium Gummy Vitamins for Adults
Something different to review, vitamins! I like to take a daily vitamin/calcium and fish oil when it comes to supplements. I mostly take calcium because I don’t always get my 2-3 servings of dairy a day, so I think it helps me reach my quota. (Of course, I always suggest talking to your doctor first before taking any supplements!) I […]
Cappuccino LARABar
Something new! Don’t you all love new products!? (: I got a very nice card and some free Cappuccino LARABars from the company a week or so ago (happy holidays to me!) I opened up the box and saw four bars of a flavor I never heard of or saw before- Cappuccino. This might be interesting, I thought. I used […]
Popcorn, Indiana Drizzled Cinnamon Sugar Kettlecorn
So, as IF we need any more sweet treats to eat during the holidays, I’m reviewing another sugary snack. But really, HOW do you say no to a product like this?? Did I already eat cookies upon cookies upon cakes this holiday? YES. Did I already have cabinets stocked full of munchies? YES. Did I need another snack? NO!!. Should I […]
Corazonas Banana Walnut Oatmeal Square
I have a confession. I’m obsessed with banana flavored things. Banana bread, banana ice cream, banana yogurt (yes! they make it!). I DONT like fake banana (aka laffy taffy) but real banana flavored things I absolutely adore. Which, go figure, I find weird because I’m not all that crazy about bananas themselves. Hmm. So, I got this free Corazonas Banana […]