I absolutely love almond milk. I mostly have it with cereal and fruit for breakfast before going to the gym in the morning. Although it’s low on protein, I find it’s lighter on my stomach than dairy is, and I have never had a problem with it. So, the other day at Trader Joe’s, I went to get some Almond […]
Organic Ragu Garden Veggie Pasta Sauce
Yesterday night, it was decided to have spaghetti & meatballs for dinner. I cooked up myself some whole wheat spaghetti, vegetarian style meat balls, and this Organic Ragu Garden Veggie Pasta Sauce to have. I don’t always buy organic, but whenever I can, I like to! The nutritional facts were pretty good. For a half cup serving, there was 2.5 […]
Peanut Butter & Co. White Chocolate Wonderful Peanut Butter
Source This peanut butter. Is. Beyond. Amazing. (Yes, so amazing I felt the urge to use periods between each word!) According to the website , this spread is “More than just a sandwich spread, it is fantastic on fruit, spooned over ice cream, when used as an ingredient in baked goods, or simply eaten out of the jar! It contains […]
Sukhi’s Gourmet Indian Foods Garden Vegetable Naanwich
I spotted this in the grocery store and thought it would be exciting to try, the Garden Vegetable Naanwich by Sukhi’s Gourmet Indian Foods. On the back of the wrapper, it says “Naanwich: noun nahn-wich-: A crustless handheld lunch that packs a powerful punch!” I decided to eat this for dinner instead, with a bunch of steamed cauliflower on the […]
Clif Crunch Chocolate Chip Granola Bar
Source Clif Bar & Company is one of my favorite companies when it comes to making delicious bars. I happen to enjoy the Peanut Butter and White Chocolate Macadamia Nut flavors in the Clif Crunch, and the Chocolate Chip Energy Bar as well! I opened up the package to find 2 bars, a little crumbly in consistency, but still held […]
Chobani 0% Black Cherry Greek Yogurt
I could tell from the first taste of this yogurt, the skim of the top, not even the fruity part on the bottom, that I was going to like it. I stuck it in the freezer for 20 minutes or so, the way I eat the majority of my yogurts, and gave it a taste. Mmm. It was a pale […]
Trader Joe’s Country Potatoes with Haricots Verts & Wild Mushrooms
So, I went to Trader Joe’s today (ME? Go to Trader Joe’s?! When does THAT happen… 😉 ) and bought these Country Potatoes with Haricots Verts & Wild Mushrooms. I’ve eaten it before, and pretty much loved it, so I feel it deserves some recognition here on HealthNuttxo! I put the bag’s contents in a frying pan and cooked it […]
Brad’s Raw Leafy Kale
If ever there was a time to apply the saying “Don’t Judge a Book By It’s Cover”, I think it would be appropriate now. Although this snack may not look appetizing, it really is tasty! I bought this at Whole Foods a little while ago, after previously being given a free sample of it they were handing out before that. […]
Amazing Grass GREENSuperFood Orange Dreamsicle Drink Powder
Amazing Grass offered to send me a some of their Orange Dreamsicle Drink Powder to try for free. I accepted, and got this in the mail a day or so ago. This powder has a whole bunch of stuff in it! According to the label, there are things like the “Amazing Grass Green Food Blend”, “Antioxidant Blend”, “EFA Fiber Blend”, […]
Pillsbury Simply… Buttermilk Biscuit
I finally got around to trying these! It only took passing them a few times in the grocery store saying to myself, I really should get those. They look good. And then being distracted by the fact I needed to buy eggs or something else in the store and forgetting to buy them. HOWEVER, I finally bought them, cooked them, […]