I don’t know about you, but I LOVE Popcorn! It is definitely my favorite snack. You get a decent portion to keep you full between meals , It is extremely versatile, high in fiber and whole grain! Sweet Chaos popcorn sent me a few varieties to try- Movie Theater Butter , White Cheddar , Jalapeño and Blue Cheese and Black […]
Just Pure Foods Tomato Chips
My husband and I currently follow a rather strict diet – no seed oils, mostly carnivore, with fruits, some vegetables, and plenty of dairy/meat. A big issue with this diet is snacks- they are so hard to find as snacks that are out there are loaded with sugar or oils. Just Pure Foods sent me some Tomato chips to try. […]
To be honest, I didn’t even know Sea Moss was edible prior to being offered to do a review! Per the company, the human body is made up of 102 essential minerals and sea moss has 92 of them- Pretty cool! The Sea moss is sourced from Jamaica. Unfortunately, the pineapple one exploded (in my fridge, much to my dismay, but […]
New Zealand Honey Co. Raw Manuka Honey
Honey is a staple in my diet, especially when I switched over to an animal based diet. Honey (and maple syrup) are my only added sugars I will eat (not including natural sugars in dairy or fruit). Manuka honey is a special honey, in that It comes from the honey bees that gather nectar from the Manuka tree. You may […]
Catalina Crunch Keto Friendly Fruity Cereal
Being a Type 1 Diabetic, I love a lower carbohydrate option. Generally, higher carbohydrate foods make my blood sugar spike and cereal is almost a guaranteed blood sugar spike. I was very excited when I saw this cereal on the shelves. I’ve been eyeing It for quite some time but the price tag had me avoiding It (10$ a bag). […]
Birch Benders Keto Syrup – Maple
As a Type 1 Diabetic, certain foods are hard to eat without a huge spike in my blood sugars. Any sweetener tends to fall under that rule, and maple syrup is no exception. For years I would use sugar free syrup sweetened with Sucralose or Aspartame, however recently I have decided to cut this from my diet and opt for […]
AZO Urinary Tract Defense
Urinary Tract Infections (UTI’s) are well… a pain. While they happen most commonly in women, it is totally possible for a man to have a UTI as well. AZO has come out with a product to “control the infection” as well as provide some pain relief for when a UTI hits and you have to wait to see the doctor. […]
Chobani Green Tea Blended Yogurt
If you’ve been following me for a while now, you know I LOVE Chobani. I have yet to find a flavor I haven’t really liked, and most flavors I thoroughly enjoy. I’ve seen this Green Tea Blended flavor on the shelves for a couple weeks now, so I decided to pick it up. I love green tea, and I love […]
Uncomplicated Foods Tali-O Bites- Powerfully Peanut, A Hint of Almond, Double the Coconut
Hello! I got some yummy treats from Uncomplicated Foods to try for free called Tali-O Bites! They are these bite sized treats made from organic dates and other flavors, to make for a healthy snack. They come in 3 flavors, Powerfully Peanut, A Hint of Almond, and Double the Coconut. All 3 flavors are gluten free, vegan, non GMO, soy […]
Live Love POP all natural popcorn- Lime Fresco, Sea Salt, Truffle Salt
Popcorn is by far my favorite snack (this post is still not biased!!). I was sent 3 flavors of a brand of popcorn I have never heard of, or even seen in stores, for free. Live Love POP sent me Lime Fresco, Sea Salt, and Truffle Salt popcorn, all made with minimal ingredients, and waist line friendly (30 calories per […]