CBD Shot

New product CBD Shot. This is definitely the first of it’s kind to my knowledge. I am well accustomed to CBD gummies, lip balm, creams and more. A CBD “drink” if you will, is definitely a new one for me. The people over at CBD shot contacted me to give It a try and my fiancé and I happily obliged.

This product has 50 mg of broad spectrum CBD. The company is located in Texas. Claims for this product are that It is triple lab tested, 100% natural ingredients (Water, CBD and orange extract) and NO THC.

Each bottle contains 2 servings and is $4.99 per bottle.
It is sugar free, caffeine free.

So my fiancé and I both tried this before bed one night. My fiancé uses a lot of CBD products and likes them very much.
We shook the product well as instructed.(Well, I shook the product. Product definitely does not need TWO people shaking It…)

It is…well… awful.
It’s aiding and honestly tastes like plastic
It’s oily in consistency. Like imagine drinking watery oil. With a hint of orange.

My fiancé took one sip and the look on his face made me hesitant to try mine.
I tried It and well… same look.

It’s a no from me. And him. Pass on this one guys. Unless you truly are not bothered by the taste then proceed on.

This is my first 0 star review.

DISCLAIMER: I received this to try for free from the company. This is an unbiased review.

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