4 Star

Popchips Review & Giveaway!

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Hey everyone! I recently got a shipment, or “chipment” as Popchips peeps call it (heehee), of 4 of the flavors of Popchips to try for free for a review. The 4 flavors I got in the mail were Barbeque, Sour Cream and Onion, Original, and Cheddar. These chips are NOT baked and NOT fried…they are popped! This allows them to […]

3 1/2 stars , Gluten Free , Nut Butters, Toppings & Spreads

Truwhip the Natural Whipped Topping

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Um………confession time. I am a Cool-Whip addict. But seriously. I KNOW, it’s full of not-so-good for you ingredients, I think I’ve even seen the really evil ones like HFCS or trans fats, and I KNOW it practically has no nutritional value and I KNOW why don’t I just eat natural whipped cream? Well, I can’t explain it. Something about cool-whip. […]

4 Star , Cereal & Breakfast , Kellogg's

Kellogg’s Chocolate Krave cereal

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Cereal is a staple for me. Every day, every morning, a bowl of the stuff with some almond milk, and usually a sliced banana. It’s delicious, and light enough to let me go to the gym after without weighing me down or feeling sick. So, needing a change from my usual (love you, Cinnamon Pecan Special K <3) I wanted […]

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